
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxxxssss11112222
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怒江州地处滇西北纵向岭谷区,地质地貌、降水、土壤等自然因素有利于水土流失。受“通道-阻隔”作用的影响,人类及其经济活动沿河展布或分布于山间盆地,陡坡垦殖、砍伐森林以及毁林、毁草开荒等不合理的土地利用,加剧了河谷区和两岸山间盆地的水土流失。水土保持对改善怒江州的生态环境、保障粮食和能源安全以及应对气候变化具有重要的意义,但也面临全球气候变暖、生态环境脆弱、贫困人口集中、农业生态环境退化等严峻挑战。怒江州的水土保持对策是:大力发展林业及相关产业;结合林草植被恢复,加快畜牧业发展;采取多种措施,提高耕地粮食单产。 Nujiang is located in the northwest of Yunnan Longitudinal Rift Valley, geological features, precipitation, soil and other natural factors are conducive to soil erosion. Affected by the “channel-barrier” effect, mankind and its economic activities are spread along the river or distributed in the mountain basin, steep slope reclamation, deforestation and deforestation, land reclamation and other unreasonable land use, exacerbating the river valley Soil and water loss in the mountainous basin and the two sides of the strait. Soil and water conservation is of great significance for improving the ecological environment of Nujiang Prefecture, ensuring food and energy security and coping with climate change. However, it is also facing severe challenges such as global warming, fragile ecological environment, concentration of poor population and agro-ecological environment degradation. Nujiang River water and soil conservation measures are: to develop forestry and related industries; combined with the restoration of forest and grass vegetation to speed up the development of animal husbandry; to take various measures to improve crop yields of cultivated land.
近年来 ,国内语言学界关于中国英语的定义、定位及发展的讨论此起彼伏。作者力主中国英语的客观存在 ,并欲就阻碍中国英语发展的几个方面作一探讨 ,提出解决设想。
目的:探讨人端粒酶反转录酶(hTERT)修饰的内皮祖细胞(EPCs)移植对SD大鼠缺血肢体治疗机制和规律。方法:EPCs原代培养及鉴定后,脂质体法将PLXSN-hTERT稳定转染EPCs,Western bl