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美国国家科学院院长、国家工程院临时院长和医学院院长曾共同发表了一篇题为《迎接21世纪》的联合声明,介绍了美国国家科学院、国家工程院、医学院和国家研究理事会联合发表的同名系列报告。 该系列报告共有6篇,它们以美国科学界近百篇最新研究文章的成果为基础,分别为科学与工程研究、教育、环境与人类未来、技术与国家未来、社会、医疗卫生这六个领域,阐述了科学与工程事业对美国社会的重要影响,从美国科学界的角度,向美国新一届政府各部门、国会议员、公司总裁、经理、科技工作者、非盈利机构以及与国家科技政策的制定和执行有关的社会各界人士,提出了迎接21世纪的政策性建议。 现将6篇报告的主要内容作一简要介绍,供读者参考。 The joint president of the National Academy of Sciences, the Provisional President of the National Academy of Engineering and the Dean of the Medical School jointly presented a joint statement entitled “Greeting the 21st Century,” introducing the joint efforts of the National Academies of Science, the National Academy of Engineering, the School of Medicine and the National Research Council Published a series of reports of the same name. The series consists of six articles, based on the achievements of nearly one hundred newest research articles in the scientific community in the United States. They are: Science and Engineering Research, Education, Environment and Human Future, Technology and National Future, Social and Health Care , Expounded the important impact of science and engineering on the American society. From the point of view of the scientific community in the United States, he gave a briefing to the new U.S. government departments, members of parliament, president of the company, managers, scientists and technicians, non-profit institutions, The formulation and implementation of the relevant sectors of the community, put forward to meet the policy recommendations of the 21st century. The six main contents of the report now make a brief introduction for readers reference.
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