现象室内地沟人孔盖板不平不稳,人孔几何尺寸不符使用要求。原因分析 1.人孔盖板自身不平、翘曲。2.现浇或预制人孔口几何尺寸不符要求。3.安装前未对以上缺陷纠正和处理。4.盖板与盖口几何尺寸不吻合。预防对策 1.预制或现浇人孔各部分几何尺寸须符合要求。2.结合地面将人孔口用水泥砂浆
Indoor ditches uneven indoor cover irregularities, human orifice geometry does not meet the requirements. Reason analysis 1. Manhole cover itself uneven, warping. 2. Cast-in-place or prefabricated orifice geometry does not meet the requirements. 3. The installation of the above defects are not corrected and dealt with. 4 cover and cover geometry does not match. Preventive measures 1. Prefabricated or in-situ parts of the hole geometry to meet the requirements. 2. combined with the ground manhole cement mortar