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[期刊论文] 作者:Bi Fan,Wu Kejian, 来源:中国海洋大学学报:英文版 年份:2014
The wave Coriolis-Stokes-Force-modified ocean momentum equations are reviewed in this paper and the wave Stokes transport is pointed out to be part of the ocean...
[期刊论文] 作者:XIA Haofeng,WU Kejian, 来源:中国海洋大学学报:英文版 年份:2020
The Indian Ocean Dipole(IOD) is an important natural mode of the tropical Indian Ocean(TIO). Sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) variations in the TIO are an...
[期刊论文] 作者:ZHANGXiaoshuang,WU Kejian,WANG, 来源:海洋学报:英文版 年份:2013
在南极围绕天极的水流(ACC ) 和它与南极的关联的区域的表面波浪的低频率的变化围绕天极的波浪(ACW ) 上被集中。44 一重要波浪高度(SWH ) 的系列的分析 interannual 异例表...
[期刊论文] 作者:BI Fan,WU Kejian,, 来源:Journal of Ocean University of China 年份:2014
The wave Coriolis-Stokes-Force-modified ocean momentum equations are reviewed in this paper and the wave Stokes transport is pointed out to be part of the ocean...
[期刊论文] 作者:Wu Kejian,Chen Min, 来源:中国铁路(英文版) 年份:2008
The passenger-dedicated line (PDL) construction in China is characterized by high standard, great technical difficulties and heavy tasks of construction. By org...
[期刊论文] 作者:SHI Yongfang,WU Kejian,YANG Yo, 来源:中国海洋大学学报:英文版 年份:2016
The effects of the mixing of wave transport flux residual(Bvl) on the upper ocean is studied through carrying out the control run(CR) and a series of sensitive...
[期刊论文] 作者:SHI Yongfang,WU Kejian,ZHU Xia, 来源:海洋学报:英文版 年份:2016
Large-scale water transport is one of the key factors that affect sea surface temperature anomaly(SSTA) in the eastern equatorial Pacific(EEP).The relationship...
[期刊论文] 作者:DENG Zeng' an,WU Kejian,ZHAO D, 来源:海洋学报:英文版 年份:2009
There exists a tongue-shaped swell-dominance pool known as Swell Pool(SP) in the Eastern Pacific region.The monthly-mean wave transports(WT) for each month of 2...
[期刊论文] 作者:BI Fan WU Kejian ZHANG Yuming, 来源:海洋学报:英文版 年份:2012
由介绍强迫进 ageostrophic 运动方程的导致波浪的 Coriolis 司烧, Eulerian 运输被修改由导致波浪司烧飘移。Stokes 运输与的长期的吝啬的贡献遥远地产生了胀大被包括到 ageo...
[期刊论文] 作者:WANG Zhifeng,WU Kejian,XIA Cha, 来源:海洋学报:英文版 年份:2014
一个新三维的数字模型在方程,强迫的 theCoriolis 司烧和 theStokes 旋涡在强迫被考虑的原始 N-S 上通过波浪一般水准被导出。三个理想的实验用用于普林斯顿海洋模型(POM ) 的...
[期刊论文] 作者:ZHANG Yuming,WU Kejian,ZHANG X, 来源:海洋学报:英文版 年份:2013
基于刘等提供的数据和方法。(2009 ) ,直接的风并且司烧自从前者的结果被证明了被低估,进在南极围绕天极的水流(ACC ) 区域以内的 Ekman 层的导致飘移的精力输入被重新估计。并...
[期刊论文] 作者:ZHU Xianye,WU Kejian,WU Lunyu,, 来源:Journal of Ocean University of China 年份:2017
This study investigates the migration and distribution of the warm-temperate fish Nibea albiflora. Their spawning migration and wintering migratory routes withi...
[期刊论文] 作者:SHI Yongfang,WU Kejian,ZHU Xia, 来源:黑龙江科技学院学报 年份:2016
[期刊论文] 作者:SHI Yongfang,WU Kejian,YANG Yongzeng,, 来源:Journal of Ocean University of China 年份:2016
The effects of the mixing of wave transport flux residual(Bvl) on the upper ocean is studied through carrying out the control run(CR) and a series of sensitive...
[期刊论文] 作者:WANG Zhifeng,WU Kejian,DONG Sh, 来源:黑龙江科技学院学报 年份:2015
[会议论文] 作者:Deng Zeng'An,Wu KeJian,Yu Ting, 来源:2007全国博士生学术论坛——海洋、水产领域 年份:2007
  By accounting for the effects of ocean surface velocity (wave velocity and current velocity) into the estimating of wind stress drag coefficient Cd,the spat...
[期刊论文] 作者:WU KeJian,ZHANG PeiXi,WU Hao, 来源:中国科学:技术科学英文版 年份:2019
Morphing unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) can manipulate its shape for excellent flight performance under different conditions.The most research of the morphing UAV...
[期刊论文] 作者:BI Fan,SONG Jinbao,WU Kejian,X, 来源:海洋学报:英文版 年份:2015
为太平洋的波浪气候分析和另外的应用要求可靠波浪 hindcast。在 Wavewatch III 模型(v3.14 和 v4.18 ) 的五个来源和水池术语包裹被比较并且通过全面观察在这估计了学习,包括...
[期刊论文] 作者:BI Fan,SONG Jinbao,WU Kejian,XU Yao, 来源:黑龙江科技信息 年份:2015
[期刊论文] 作者:WANG Zhifeng,WU Kejian,XIA Changshui,ZHANG Xiaoshuang,, 来源:Acta Oceanologica Sinica 年份:2014
A new three-dimensional numerical model is derived through a wave average on the primitive N-S equations, in which both the“Coriolis-Stokes forcing” and the“...