High-power broadband supercontinuum generation through a simple narrow-bandwidth FBGs-based fiber la
The generation of supercontinuum[SC]often requires ultrashort pulsed lasers with high peak power and gain media with lar......
Fabrication and characterization of novel multi-material chalcogenide glass fiber with high numerica
We report the fabrication of a novel high nonlinear Ge-Sb-Se chalcogenide glass (ChG) fiber with high numerical aperture......
Thermo-mechanical dynamics of nanoimprinting anti-reflective structures onto small-core mid-IR chalc
Thermal nanoimprinting is a fast and versatile method for transferring the anti-reflective properties of subwavelength n......
对半导体激光器进行调制得到了中心波长为1060.14 nm、谱宽为0.63 nm、重复频率为1.55 MHz、脉宽为11 ns的纳秒种子激光,进而对其进......
All-fiber high-power linearly polarized supercontinuum generation from polarization-maintaining phot
We demonstrate an all-fiber high-power linearly polarized supercontinuum source with polarization-maintaining photonic c......
利用中心波长1064 nm的纳秒激光脉冲入射到普通单模光纤中,获得了从700 nm到超过1750 nm的超连续谱输出。在正常色散区抽运下,光谱首......
设计并研制了一种结构紧凑的高功率超连续光源。利用1.5 m掺Yb3 双包层结构大模场面积光子晶体光纤作为激光增益介质, 0°光纤端面......
利用脉宽为200 ns, 重复频率为3.3 kHz, 功率可调的声光调Q激光器抽运高非线性的光子晶体光纤, 产生了覆盖600 nm到1500 nm展宽的......
设计实验实现了基于级联调制器抽运源的1.7 μm波段宽带光源。采用连续光源和级联调制器组合的方式,在反常色散区域抽运1 km的高非......
探索利用大模场光子晶体光纤产生大功率、高光束质量的超连续谱。采用分步傅里叶方法求解广义非线性薛定谔方程(GNLSE), 模拟了光......
Mid-infrared supercontinuum and optical frequency comb generations in a multimode tellurite photonic
We numerically investigate the mid-infrared (MIR) supercontinuum (SC) and SC-based optical frequency comb(OFC) generatio......
We propose a theoretical scheme to generate a broadband supercontinuum using a modulated chirped polarization gating tec......
,Simple route toward efficient frequency conversion for generation of fully coherent supercontinua i
Fiber supercontinua represent light sources of pivotal importance for a wide range of applications, ranging from optical......
,Octave-spanning coherent supercontinuum generation in silicon on insulator from 1.06μm to beyond 2.
Efficient complementary metal-oxide semiconductor-based nonlinear optical devices in the near-infrared are in strong dem......
The spectrum evolution of a few-cycle optical pulse in a resonant two-level atom medium is studied theoretically by usin......
The dynamic process of white-continuum generation in water was investigated by the pump-probe technique with a femtoseco......
The supercontinuum (SC) source plays a key role in wavelength division multiplexing over the optical time division multi......
,Carrier shock and frequency conversion of a few-cycle pulse laser propagating in a non-resonant two
We have studied the spectral behaviour of few-cycle soliton pulses in a non-resonant two-level atom medium by solving th......
,Transient saturation absorption spectroscopy excited near the band gap at high excitation carrier d
Transient saturation absorption spectroscopy in GaAs thin films was investigated using femtosecond pump and supercontinu......
,Influence of degenerate four-wave mixing on the performance of supercontinuum-based multiwavelength
The influence of degenerate four-wave mixing (FWM) on the performance of supercontinuum-based multiwavelength optical so......
,Generation of 10 fs Ti:sapphire laser at repetition rate of 525 MHz and measurement of carrier-enve
This paper presents a Kerr-lens mode-locked Ti:sapphire laser at the repetition rate of 525 MHz, stable laser pulse as s......
,Simultaneous measurements of global vibrational spectra and dephasing times of molecular vibrationa
,Supercontinuous high harmonic generation from asymmetric molecules in the presence of a terahertz f
,Effect of initial chirp on near-infrared supercontinuum generation by a nanosecond pulse in a nonli
,Generation of a compact high-power high-efficiency normal-dispersion pumping supercontinuum in sili
,Isolated sub-30-attosecond pulse generation using a multicycle two-color chirped laser and a static
,Supercontinuum generation in seven-core photonic crystal fiber pumped by a broadband picosecond pul
We report a supercontinuum source generated in seven-core photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) pumped by a self-made all-fiber......
We present a systematic investigation of the depolarization properties of a supercontinuum accompanied with fem-tosecond......
Spectrally Sliced Pulse Source Based on Supercontinuum Generation in Dispersion-Flattened Photonic C
200 nm Supercontinuum Generated by Subpicosecond Optical Pulses and its Evolution Process Observatio
Spectrally Sliced Pulse Source Based on Supercontinuum Generation in Dispersion-Flattened Photonic C
Designed is dispersion-flattened photonic crystal fiber(PCF) with small normal dispersion for generating flat wideband s......
多芯光子晶体光纤(Photonic Crystal Fiber,PCF)具有设计更灵活、大模场面积、显著的非线性效应以及纤芯耦合等优势。介绍了国内高......