A Numerical Framework for Free Surface Flow and Wettability Based on Arbitrary Lagrange-Eulerian Met
A mathematic model based on moving mesh Arbitrary Lagrange-Eulerian(ALE) is developed to solve incompressible fluid flow c......
In this paper, considering the inertia of MRF, a novel method of setting up a 1D transient finite element model for a MR......
The passage of red blood cells (RBCs) through capillaries is essential for human blood microcirculation.This study used ......
Numerical modeling of local scour due to submerged wall jets using a strict vertex-based, terrain co
This study presents the implementation and validation of a new sediment-scour model with a strict vertex-based, terrain ......
We propose a novel energy dissipative method for the Allen-Cahn equation on nonuniform grids.For spatial dis-cretization......