红砂(Reaumuria soongarica,柽柳科)是广泛分布于亚洲内陆干旱区温带荒漠的建群灌木,该物种内部经历过分化和杂交事件,是研究荒漠......
Ecological speciation history a desert shrub Reaumuria soongarica inferred from multilocus nuclear g
Reaumuria soongarica is a dominant and constructive desert shrub species widely distributed across Arid Central Asia......
Validation of candidate and reference genes for drought adaptation of Reaumuria soongarica, a constr
Reaumuria soongarica is an extreme xerophyte shrub widely distributed in the desert regions including sand dune, Gob......
The roles of East Asian Monsoon system in shaping the pattern of evolutionary history of a desert co
The formation of the Arid Central Asia (ACA) was associated with the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) and t......
Evolutionary history of Reaumuria soongarica,a desert constructive shrub endemic to Arid Central Asi
The formation of the Arid Central Asia(ACA)was associated with the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(QTP)and the d......