Upcycling of Cd hyperaccumulator biomass into CdS@C nanocomposites with highly photocatalytic perfor
Phytoextraction is considered as a promising technique for remediation of Cd contaminated soils.However,there is a risk ......
Proteomic characterization of the Sedum plumbizincicola stem sap and identiflcation of a mobile RNんb
The evolution of higher land plants includes the development of pipeline systems(phloem and xylem),which are well kn......
通过毛竹幼苗与伴矿景天间作在2 mm和5 mm土壤的盆栽试验,探究间作对毛竹幼苗与伴矿景天生长状况的影响,并对重金属迁移转运能力和......