Preliminary Reflections on Renqing Avoidance Strategies in Charitable Donations

来源 :香港城市大学,中国石油大学,加州大学河滨分校,伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangbadanwang
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  This paper explores the complexity of soliciting money for a charitable cause in China.Based on the logic of guanxi and renqing,it looks at how people reflect on the act of soliciting their own network(guanxi)and how they try to avoid contracting debt(renqing)while doing it.To do so,data stemming from 46 interviews with donors and non-profit organization managers are analysed.Preliminary results show five renqing avoidance strategies.
本文提出的STAD 案例教学方法,包括相对独立的四个分析环节,认知情景(understanding Situation)、设定任务(setting Task)、寻找(解决)方案(finding Approach)、做出决策(making Decision)。
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