来源 :The 5th International Conference on Rodent Biology and Manag | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:okey100
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  Climate change is predicted to have profound impacts on the distribution of numerous species,particularly those species that have very low dispersal capacity and short life spans,and range-restricted species occupying narrow habitats.This study investigated current and potential future distribution of three cryptic species of Afromontane rodents (Otomys auratus,O.angoniensis and O.irroratus s.s) .Each of the three species is associated with a particular Biome i.e.O.irroratus s.s is associated mostly with Fynbos and Thicket Biomes,O.auratus with Grassland Biome and O.angoniensis with Savannah Biome and we predict that their distribution will follow those predicted for their respective Biomes.Distributional data were obtained from: field trapping,owl pellet analysis and Museum records [former Transvaal Museum and Durban Natural Science Museum].Maxent was used to model the current distribution of all three species and a general circulation model was used to predict the distribution of these species in 2070.Niche models were found to follow biome boundaries of each species.This scenario predicted a south east shift (auratus) ,a south west shift (angoniensis) and a shrink (irroratus s.s) in future distribution,according to each species preferred habitat.A concomitant 66% (auratus) and 36% (irroratus s.s) reduction in areas of high environmental suitability of these species is shown,with a 1%gain in angoniensis.High rainfall and low temperatures modulated the distribution of both auratus and irroratus s.s while high rainfall and high temperatures modulated angoniensis.And this was consistent with the ecological requirements of each species.
为了全面、有效地保护野生甘草属(Glycyrrhiza L.)植物种质资源,实现甘草资源的科学评价和甘草资源的可持续开发利用,吐鲁番沙漠植物园2011年开始建设甘草属植物资源圃.通过
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