Prediction and Identification of Transcriptional Regulatory Elements in Lung Cancer-Specific DKK1 Lo

来源 :华东六省一市生物化学与分子生物学会2015年学术交流会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzayy9
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DKK1 is known as antagonist of the canonical Wnt signalling pathway.It can block canonical Wnt signaling by combining with Kremen and Lrp6 transmembrane receptor.Moreover, a specificity and high level expression of DKK1 could be measured in multiple lung cancer cell lines and lung cancer tissues.Thereby, both DKK1 and other biomarks can increased sensitivity to detect lung cancer.Our previous study, however, found that activity of DKK1 promoter in lung cancer cells is low.
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