Rangelands are the most important ecosystem in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya (HKH) region in terms of ecosystem services and functions they provide and the millions of humans they support.Sustainable development of rangeland resources and ecosystems in the HKH region is presently confronted with a number of problems.Coupled socio-cultural and natural systems are needed to facilitate effective collaboration among social and bio/physical scientists and management practitioners,so as to develop sound policy formulations and decisions about rangeland ecosystem management.In this paper,the results and findings of three case studies on rangeland management across the HKH region,Himalayan Nepal,eastem Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,are summarized to highlight how important coupled socio-cultural and natural systems are to formulate a more integrated understanding of nature and society,and how narrative the interdisciplinary work is to promote the sustainable development of these resources.Local herders in Himalayan Nepal represent a repository of rich indigenous knowledge essential for snstalning rangeland management; indigenous practices need to be integrated into modem technology development and public decision making.Tradition and custom in pastoral societies needs to be considered in decision analysis for selection of (cultivated) grassland production systems in eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau,in addition to intemal factors of economic and ecological benefits.Understanding socialcultural human attitudes towards new rangeland conservation policies and promoting scientifically feasible rangeland restoration strategies are both critically important in implementing the Grassland ban Projects in central Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.The implications of socio-cultural and natural systems on sustainable rangeland development in HKH region can be found in both policy and research dimensions.Policy decisions must balance the needs of society with the best scientific knowledge.Comprehensive programs of integrated basic and applied ecological,social,and economic research should be developed to provide an improved information base for decision making.