How genomic composition is shaped by isolation,gene flow and selection? We sought for answers by re-sequencing 33 genomes of Sonneratia alba,which is a widespread mangrove species in the Indo-West Pac
Gastrochilus D.Don,which comprises 58 species collectively distributed from China,India and Sri Lanka through eastern Asia and southern Japan to Indonesia and the Philippines.China is the center of sp
Heavy metal toxicity has become a major threat to sustainable crop production worldwide.Thus,considerable interest has been placed on deciphering the mechanisms that allow plants to combat heavy metal
Bryum argenteum is a desert moss and an important component of the biological soil crusts found in the Gurbantunggut and Tengger Deserts of northwestern China.B.argenteum showed comprehensive toleranc
换锦花(Lycoris sprengeri),石蒜科石蒜属,多年生草本,适应性强,花为罕有的粉紫色,广泛用于园林地被植物.同时,换锦花花色特殊,花葶健壮花茎长,也是良好的鲜切花植物,具有很高的商业价值.以换锦花为材料,根据转录组测序信息设计特异性引物,采用RT-PCR 和RACE 技术相结合的方法,在换锦花花瓣中克隆了MYB 基因的cDNA 全长,命名LsMYB5.
风筝果(Hiptage benghalensis)属金虎尾科风筝果属植物,为藤本或藤状灌木,主要分布于热带亚洲,在我国分布范围较广,在云南、贵州、广西、广东、福建、海南和台湾均有分布。风筝果种子含油率较高(约50%),脂肪酸组成与蓖麻种子相似,蓖麻油酸含量约80%,除蓖麻外,风筝果是唯一已知大量累积蓖麻油酸的植物。蓖麻油酸是重要的工业原料,但蓖麻油酸在植物中的累积机制尚待进一步研究。
新疆细虫草Ophiocordyceps gracilis(Grev.)G.H.Sung,J.M.Sung,Hywel-Jones & Spatafora 主要用于治疗久咳虚喘,劳嗽咯血,阳疹遗精,腰膝酸痛等症,在我国主要分布于新疆阿勒泰地区,它是指虫草菌寄生在蝙蝠蛾科无钩蝠蛾属阿尔泰无钩蝠蛾Ahamus altaicola Wang 幼虫,并形成子座及幼虫尸体的复合体,无性型为羽束梗孢Parais