Characterristics and diagnostic value of MRI in cerebral sparganosis

来源 :中华放射学学术大会2016、中华医学会第23次全国放射学学术大会暨中华医学会第24次全国影像技术学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snowin11
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  Purpose:Cerebral sparganosis is a rare parasitic infection of tapeworm larva from the genus of Spirometra in central nervous system, which is quite difficult to diagnose from other space-occupying lesions in the brain , brain abscess and other parasitic granulomatous cerebrates, such as paragonimiasis, toxoplasmic encephalitis. In China , the disease mainly prevails in the coastal area of Zhejiang ,Fujian ,Guangdong and Guangxi provinces ,with the highest incidence of Guangdong province. For human being ,there are several pathways of infection. Some patients ingested either uncooked or improperly cooked frog , snake and or crabs . Patients could also get infested by cyclops-polluted water. In this study, we summarized the MRI characteristics of 16 patients with cerebral sparganosis and did a follow-up in order to improve its diagnosis . Methods: In our studies ,the patients with cerebral sparganosis were presented with seizures , hemiparesis , dizziness and altered mental status, which lack of specificity . 16 patients with cerebral sparganosis received MRI scans before cinically verified and in the follow-up . The all findings were retrospectively investigated. Siemens Magnrtom3.0T TrioTim scanner with a quadrature head coil was used .9 patients received MRI scan with the same protocol during follow-up , ranging from 1-34 months after the initial scans . Results: Among 16 patients with verified cerebral sparganosis ,11were males and 5 were females with average age of 27 year-old (10-54 year-old ). 28 lesions were found in the 16 patients. Lesions were solitary in 6 patients , and multiple and asymmetrical in other 10 patients . The locations of these lesions were as follows : 24 in cerebral hemisphere, 2 in cerebellar hemisphere and 2 in brain stem . The lesions were mainly presented with abnormal signal of patchy shadow as slight hypointensity on T1W1, moderate hyperintense on T2W1 and hyperintense on FLAIR , surrounded by perilesional brain parenchyma edema but no remarkable occupied effect . Mixed intensity were presented in 4 cases with irregular patchy of hypointensity inside the hyperintensity lesions .Enhanced MRI showed characteristic patterns of a peripheral ring, or a tortuous beaded, or a serpiginous tubular shape ,or multiple enhancements tangled as “clinch”. Among those 9 patients who received follow-up MRI scans during follow-up ranging from 1-34 months from initial scan , 3 patients were presented with changed morphology of lesion enhancement , 2 patients with changed locations of lesions , 2 patients with increased numbers of lesions, and 2 patients with lesion vanished , and 2 cases with no obvious changes of lesions . Conclusions:Recent publications demonstrated that imaging technique , particularly MRI has become an useful tool to diagnose this rare disease at its early stage . Other than serum tests , MRI could provide additional information to the diagnosis of cerebral sparganosis . The following is a summary of MRI characteristics of cerebral sparganosis. First , a serpiginous tubular, a beaded or a tortuous beaded enhancements of the lesions may be present in the images, due to twisting of the worm bodies , which might be of great significance in differential diagnosis with other similar diseases . Second , by comparison between initial and followup MRI scans , we could infer that the sparganum can survive for a long time and migrate from one area to another , which could cause local inflammation progression and metastatic multiple lesions simultaneously or chronol ogically . Third , the lesions were present with obvious perilesional edema in brain parenchyma but without remarkable mass effect . Long survival of sparganum and its resultant long-term inflammation could lead to brain atrophy and dilation of ventricular systrm. If the above characteristics of cerebral spargnosis emerge in the MR images, then the disease should be considered. Then, ELISA should be appled to further test cerebrospinal fluid and blood serum for sparganum antibodies to reach a final diagnosis. MRI and serological tests are the most important methods for the clinical diagnosis of cerebral sparganosis .
目的 探讨应用Ilizarov外固定器技术治疗下肢创伤术后内固定外露并感染的临床效果.方法 自2013年1月至2015年12月我院应用Ilizarov外固定器技术治疗18例下肢创伤术后内固定外露并感染患者,18例患者中,男10例,女8例;年龄16-45岁,平均25.3岁.术中取出内固定物,彻底清除感染及坏死组织,截骨并安装Ilizarov外固定器.术后采用以庆大霉素生理盐水持续灌洗2-3周,同时行
目的 探讨OA的TKA术中对膝关节后方"过伸松解"补偿术后膝关节的屈曲畸形反弹.方法 46个老年女性骨性关节炎(两例为双侧膝),年龄63-74岁,术前被动伸角度 18°-35°、屈角度64°-93°.术中酌情截骨后对膝关节后方软组织结构充分松解,标准是装入试模后抬腿膝平直、压膝弹性被动过伸5°-10°左右,侧方松动范围在3毫米左右.结果 术后不用CPM,酌情给镇痛剂.术后第一天在医生指导下被动练习
目的 比较腓骨近端截骨术与胫骨高位截骨术治疗内翻型膝关节骨关节炎的早期疗效.方法 回顾性分析2014 年6 月至2015 年6 月在我院收治的内翻型膝关节骨关节炎患者,其中17例(22膝)患者接受腓骨近端截骨术,15例(18膝)患者接受胫骨高位开放截骨术(Tomofix钢板),两组患者均获得完整随访.采集两组患者术前、术后3个月和末次随访时的临床和影像学结果,临床评估包括VAS评分、HSS评分以及
目的 探讨磁共振多模态成像在后颅窝原发性中枢神经系统淋巴瘤中的诊断价值. 方法 回顾性分析经病理证实的16例后颅窝原发性中枢神经系统淋巴瘤患者的MR平扫、DWI、动态增强及1H-MRS影像资料. 结果 37.5%(6/16)为多发病灶,16例患者共有26个病灶.所有病灶在T1WI呈低或稍低信号,T2WI上21个病灶呈稍高信号、3个等信号、2个呈混杂稍高信号,DWI上2例弥散受限呈高信号,13例弥散
目的 探讨CT灌注成像在评价颞浅动脉-大脑中动脉吻合术(STA-MCA)治疗烟雾病综合征中的应用价值。方法 24 例接受单侧STA-MCA 吻合术的烟雾病综合征患者术前、术后均行 CT灌注成像检查。对术前、术后手术侧脑组织的相对灌注参数值进行对比。
目的 观察髌骨脱位三联术后随访过程中膝关节的CT表现和变化,及其与膝关节功能评分间的关系. 方法 2007年至2015年间共58名(63膝)行髌骨脱位三联术患者纳入本研究.术后所有患者均进行至少12个月以上的CT随访评估并进行膝关节功能评分.CT观察的影像测量值包括髌骨外侧倾斜角、髌骨外侧移位值、股骨滑车沟适合角、外侧髌股角、胫骨结节-股骨滑车沟距离、高位髌骨和股骨滑车发育不良分级.比较术后3天内
目的 探讨临时起搏器在急性心肌梗死介入术中的应用及护理对策。 方法 回顾性分析我院介入导管室2014年1月至2016年1月收治的28例急性心肌梗死伴房室传导阻滞患者在临时起搏器安装后,均成功实施了冠脉介入治疗。对临时起搏器的应用及护理配合进行总结。 结果 28例急性心肌梗死伴房室传导阻滞的患者在临时起搏器的保驾下均成功实施了介入治疗。 结论 临时起搏器的安装是急性心肌梗死伴房室传导阻滞患者成功进行
目的:探讨继发于陈旧性肺结核的空洞性肺曲霉菌病的CT诊断价值. 方法:回顾性分析98例继发于陈旧性肺结核的空洞性肺曲霉菌病患者胸部CT检查资料.观察空洞内曲霉菌的CT表现. 结果:98例共104个病灶.1、其中含球病灶43个,非含球病灶61个;两组对比,含球病灶中简单空洞(26个)、钙化(27个)较为多见(P<0.05);非含球病灶中复杂空洞(46个),胸膜增厚(23个),CTA发现病灶血管增粗增