Aims:Explore a new diagnosis and treatment model to improve the overall therapeutic effect of ischemic-type biliary lesions (ITBLs) after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT).Methods:Our center has applied the early diagnosis and intervention model (EDIM) for the diagnosis and treatment of ITBLs since February 2008.This model mainly includes preventive medicine treatment to protect the epidermal cellular membrane of the biliary duct,regular examination of fiver function at an early stage,and weekly monitor of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) to detect whether there are existing ischemic changes in the biliary duct.ff there are enzymatic abnormalities and low or no enhancement in the wall of the hilar biliary duct as shown by CEUS during the arterial phase,mesenchymal stem cells were introduced and early ERCP and PTCD are performed to confirm the diagnosis and to maintain continuous patency of the biliary drainage.