Pipeline Transportation of Hazardous Materials-an Updated Quantitative Risk Assessment Methodology

来源 :第二届CCPS中国过程安全会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:freedomo
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  Pipeline transportation of hazardous materials is increasing globally.Major accidents involving pipelines continue to occur.A wide range of guidance is available from various sources for robust quantitative risk assessment (QRA) of mobile and pipeline transportation of hazardous materials.Derived from the aforementioned sources,this paper describes new hazardous pipeline risk assessment capabilities implemented in the Safeti QRA software package.The methodology includes automatic loss of containment case generation based on pipeline construction,topography and operating parameters.The geometrical nature of pipelines and their associated risk footprint relating to people,surrounding assets and the environment are often long and relatively narrow.Creation of risk contours around such geometries requires use of high aspect ratio grids.The calculation algorithm required for high aspect ratio hazard and risk zones such as those presented by pipelines is a challenge to traditional risk contour based risk assessment techniques for process plants.The new methodology introduces a method for adaptive grid solution for long pipelines for optimal computation and result accuracy.The new adopted risk analysis method also introduces a time-varying fire simulation to account for the time-varying flow phenomenon typically experienced with pipeline breaches.In summary this paper demonstrates how these QRA methodology enhancements provide analysts with the tools necessary to perform rigorous assessment and management of pipeline risks in a consistent and efficient manner using validated models.
[摘要] 根据运行经验,在《电力工程高压送电线路设计手册》中对各种电压等级导线排列方式改变时的最小净空距离提供了参考值并且介绍了如何采用拉线投影法检查两相导线在档距中的最小距离。但该方法比较繁琐而且容易存在人为误差,而常规计算空间两曲线的距离又非常复杂,在日常设计中经常是根据经验或把两导线近似为两直线来进行判断,通常都偏向于保守。由于計算机在线路设计工作中的普遍应用,使应用计算机来计算两相导线在档
吴小红,1939年出生,浙江温州市人。1939年毕业于原浙江美术学院。 毕业后在温州瓯塑厂设计室从事瓯塑研究与创作。近年瓯塑作品主题思想上和技法上都有突破,如:北京人民大会