History of Infertility Recurrent Miscarriages · Recurrent miscarriages can present as infertility or recurrent early pregnancy loss:· Three recurrent pregnanc
GnRH in Human Placenta ■ In human placenta:GnRH-Ⅰ localised to villous cytotrophoblasts & syncytial trophoblast.
The goal of genetic counseling : prevention/amelioration of the effects of genetic disease or birth defect, the same in ART area.Outpatients with in fertility/s
Familial Male-Limited Precocious Puberty LH Regulation of Testosterone Biosynthesis
Overview the problem the concepts Introduction 400.000 cases of meniscus surgery in Europe/year.
研究背景·各方研究支持:·专利研究:DePuy-Mitek ·顾问支持:DePuy-Mitek, Linvatec ·研究及教育支持:Arthrex, ArthroCare,BioMet, DePuy-Mitek, Linvatec, Smith & Nephe
病例1:颈皮厚度异常但核型正常New Report 微(黠)陣為基礎的比較基因组雜交技術 array Comparative Genomic Hybridization aCGH Mowat Wilson syndrome Mowat Wilson syndro
·When is PGD more applicable than other prenatal diagnostic approaches?