Previously we reported that Rottlerin, a plant-derived compound known to inhibit various mammalian kinases, can profoundly inhibited chlamydial growth in cell culture by targeting host factors.In addition, the rottlerin-mediated inhibition of chlamydial replication and inclusion expansion correlated well with the rottelrin-induced blockade of host cell sphingolipid trafficking from Golgi apparatus into chlamydial inclusions.The mechanisms of rottlerin-mediated inhibition are further explored.Rottlerin is known to inhibit three kinases including Protein kinase C δ (PKCδ), p38-regulated/activated protein kinase(PRAK) and Calmodulin-dependent kinase Ⅲ (CaMKⅢ).We evaluated the roles of these kinases in Rottlerin-mediated inhibition of chlamydial growth and suppression of sphingolipid trafficking using kinase inhibitors that specifically block PKCδ, PRAK or CaMKⅢ respectively.