Earthquake disaster loss estimation method is generally based on seismic activity and seismic fault parameters, seismic ground motion, structural vulnerability estimates of three aspects, and then combined with the characteristics of buildings to systematically integrate the estimation of earthquake disaster losses. Based on such an integrated system, this paper focuses on how to improve the estimation accuracy of earthquake disaster loss from four aspects of seismicity, seismic ground motion, structural vulnerability and sampling accuracy. Studies of seismicity have focused mainly on changes in seismogenic activity following the tsunami earthquake in Japan in 2011 and changes in the seismic activity in the western North Pacific, taking into account the time of the earthquake. Earthquake ground motion research is mainly the use of Japan’s tsunami earthquake in 2011 at more than 1,000 locations observed ground motion records to correct seismic ground motion estimation method. The study of structural vulnerability is based on the over 500,000 loss samples collected by Japan’s tsunami earthquake in 2011 and details the estimation of structural vulnerability. Finally, the use of focus sampling method to improve the traditional use of Monte Carlo method for simulating the probability of occurrence of seismic sampling accuracy.