Selection of endogenous reference genes for copy number detection in transgenic sugarcane

来源 :中国作物学会2013年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenglin229
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  Transgene copy number has a great impact on the expression level and stability of exogenous gene in transgenic plants.Quantitative real-time PCR technique, which depends on the use of appropriate endogenous reference genes, has been widely accepted as an accurate and time-saved method in the copy number detection of transgenic plants and GM detection to meet the regulatory and legislative requirement.To date, most transgene crops have been developed corresponding endogenous reference genes, some species have multiple applicable endogenous reference genes, but limited in sugarcane.
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[研究背景]金属蛋白酶FtsH (filamentation temperature-sensitive H)属于AAA蛋白酶家族,它是由FtsH基因编码的一种ATP和Zn2+依赖型兼职蛋白,兼具ATP酶活性、蛋白水解活性和分子伴侣活性,与热激、高渗、光胁迫、冷诱导、病害等逆境胁迫反应中发挥重要作用,该基因在生物基因组中广泛分布.