Photoinhibition of Phaeocystis globosa resulting from oxidative stress induced by a marine algicidal

来源 :第六届全国微生物资源学术暨国家微生物资源平台运行服务研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a6443064
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  Algicidal bacteria have been proved to be effective in controlling harmful algal blooms, but the action mechanism is still not well defined.In this study, the impact of a marine algicidal bacterium Bacillus sp.LP-10 on the oxidative stress, transcriptional profiles and protein D 1 expression of Phaeocystis globosa were analyzed.The results indicated that strain LP-10 promoted a rapid increase in the ROS level of the algal cells, which finally led to the death of algal cells.Additionally, many antioxidant activities were enhanced following treatment with strain LP-10.The transcriptional expression of two photosynthesis-related genes (psbA and rbcS) were observed to be significantly down regulated at high concentrations of strain LP-10, and the protein D1 content also decreased obviously at 24h.I11umination was found to be critical in algal cell death.Our results suggested that interruption of the Calvin cycle accelerated the rise in oxidative stress, which led to the photoinhibition of the algal cells, and this photoinhibition was the main reason for algal cell death.
浒苔的爆发对海水养殖、海洋生态环境及沿海旅游业的发展都非常不利.目前对浒苔的综合利用的研究还比较少,已有报道浒苔多糖具有硫酸多糖的生理活性.本研究以喜好浒苔为食料的篮子鱼为研究对象,通过从其肠道内获得高效利用浒苔多糖的降解菌株和菌群进行浒苔多糖生物降解的研究.以制备的浒苔多糖作为唯一碳源,从篮子鱼肠道内筛选得到一株能够降解浒苔多糖的菌株Vibrio sp.B30,其最适的产浒苔多糖降解酶的条件为培
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