
来源 :黄河文明与可持续发展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tujiangbo110
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我国黄土高原在人类历史时期曾广布森林。本文通过对这一高原新石器时代遗址分布及其所反映的地理环境状况、地下出土及地上残留古木所提供的实物证据以及一些孢粉分析资料所透露的天然植被信息,再参照这一时期之气候特点及当前之植被与地貌状况所作之综合研究分析,论述了全新世中、晚期在自然因素变化主导下之天然植被分布状况及其间之变化,并依据史籍文献及实地考察资料论述了自西周以来3000余年间主要在人为活动影响下导致的森林变迁概况。在此基础上,以陕北黄土高原为例,逐一论述了森林大面积遭到毁坏后对该高原之生态环境造成了气候恶化、水土流失加剧、河湖水系水文状况恶化、风沙侵袭加剧、动植物种属减少等诸多负面影响。论文最后一部分还借国家当前大力开展生态文明建设这一历史机遇,提出了在高原上进一步强化营林、护林工作的三点建议。 China’s Loess Plateau in the history of mankind had extensive forest. Based on the distribution of the Neolithic site in the plateau and the geo-environmental conditions reflected in the plateau, the physical evidence provided by the underground unearthed and the remnant ancient wood on the ground and some natural vegetation information disclosed by the pollen analysis data, Climate characteristics and current status of vegetation and landform made a comprehensive study and analysis of the Mid-late Holocene in the natural factors led by changes in the distribution of natural vegetation and during the change, and based on historical documents and field survey data discussed from the Western Zhou Dynasty Over 3000 years since the main changes in the forest caused by human activities. On the basis of this, taking the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi as an example, this paper discusses one by one the destruction of a large area of ​​the forest, resulting in the deterioration of the ecological environment of the plateau, the aggravating of soil and water loss, the worsening of hydrological conditions in rivers and lakes, Plant species reduction and many other negative effects. The last part of the dissertation also takes the historical opportunity of vigorously developing ecological civilization in the country and puts forward three suggestions on how to further strengthen the work of forest management and forest protection on the plateau.
为响应国家的环保政策,兖矿国际焦化有限公司于2012年启动了焦炉烟气脱硫脱硝除尘技术的调研工作和焦炉烟气的治理工作:2×850 kt/a焦炭2×60孔7. 63 m顶装煤焦炉在烟气低温