
来源 :中华医学会公共卫生分会第二次学术会议暨中国现场流行病学培训项目第六届年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuyadong119
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  Baekgroud: A prolonged measles epidemic occurred in City Y after a nationwide measles mass immunization campaign (MMIC) in 2010.We investigated this epidemic to know the cause of this epidemic and provide evidence-based recommendations for measles elimination strategies in China.Methods: Measles cases were diagnosed by national criteria.We collected the data on vaccination history for measles patients to estimate measles vaccine coverage of the population.A case-control study was conducted in Hospital Z among children < 1 year old.Case-patients were measles outpatients treated at Hospital Z from November 1 to December 31.We randomly selected control-patients among all other outpatients.We reviewed medical records of case and control-patients to compare their exposure history at Hospital Z 7-21 days before illness onset.Results: Measles attack rate for all ages was 3.3/100,000 compared to 113/100,000 for children <1 year old.For children who were not age-eligible for the MMIC but later became age-eligible for routine measles vaccination, the measles vaccination rate was 52%.Of 42 case-patients 60% had visited Hospital Z 7-21 days earlier compared with 21% of 168 control-patients (adjusted ORM-H=5.5, 95% CI=2.7-11).Among unvaccinated children who had visited Hospital Z, 84% of 25 case-patients compared 38% of 29 control-patients were treated in the intravenous drip room (adjusted ORM-H=9.2, 95% CI=1.5-59).Each day 1500 children are treated in the drip room, a single room of 500 m2.Conclusion: Lack of timely routine measles vaccination allowed measles transmission to resurge after MMIC.Treatment in a crowded intravenous drip room facilitated the epidemic.To reach the goal of measles elimination by 2012, health authorities should strengthen routine measles vaccination and improve hospital environment to reduce nosocomial measles infection.
目的 总结2002-2010年间上海市社区糖尿病防治工作进展,对下一步工作提出建议.方法 收集现有资料,采用定性或定量的方法对上海市糖尿病防治的必要性、政策与经费支持、人力资源和信息化建设、防治效果等进行归纳分析,针对薄弱环节,发展防治策略.结果 1.上海市糖尿病流行日益严重,1980年上海市糖尿病调查患病率为1.01%,2002年患病率为8.6%.2009年上海市35-74岁人群中糖尿病患病粗率
目的 上海市医改《实施意见》,《实施方案》"突出惠民为本、突出预防为主,把社区卫生作为优先领域"是本次新医改的特点之一,并明确指出大力推进面向社区居民的疾病管理和健康管理的重要性.社区健康教育是通过有计划、有组织、系统的社会活动和教育活动,促使居民自觉采纳有益于健康的行为和生活方式,消除或减轻影响健康的危险因素,起到预防疾病、促进健康和提高生活质量的目的.为了更好的接轨上海市新医改,长征医院作为驻
目的 对一个10万人口的社区中常住居民进行大便隐血试验筛查大肠癌的研究,将大肠癌早期诊断比例提高5%-10%,对筛查方法的有效性和可行性进行评估,并在此基础上研究制并建立一个符合中国人群特点和社会经济条件的社区人群大肠癌筛查技术规范. 方法 选择上海市闵行区七宝社区作为项目社区,以覆盖全市的肿瘤登记系统数据作为对照,复旦大学附属肿瘤医院和中国人民解放军第四五五医院作为技术支持单位,提供肠镜检查及后
目的 调查城区肢体残疾成人心理健康状况,分析其影响因素,探讨管理措施.方法 采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)、社会支持评定量表(SSRS)等量表对上海市杨浦区平凉街道残疾人联合会在2009年9月登记在册的20-60岁的1085名肢体残疾成人,采取整群抽样的方法进行调查,并与200例正常健康人群进行对照.结果 共发放问卷1085份,收回1082份,有效回收率99.72%,排除严重躯体疾病(216份)
背景 江西省高安市是肾综合征出血热(HFRS)重点疫区,是中国国家级HFRS监测点.2010年报告发病72例,死亡12例,发病率和病死率分别为8.3/10万和17%,发病率较2009年发病率(7.6/10万)上升8.3%,但病死率较2009年(1.5%)增加10倍.方法描述分析高安市2006-2010年法定传染病网络直报系统HFRS病例信息和2009-2010年HFRS监测个案信息.结果2010年
Background: Penicillin treatment for 10 days of scarlet fever prevents rheumatic fever and Glomerulonephritis.Correct treatment when the scarlet fever patient present to the clinic is critical public