Cross-linked Micromolecular Micelle based Drug Delivery System:Concept,Synthesis,and Biological Eval

来源 :全国第十八届大环化学暨第十届分子化学学术讨论会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lkm6839257
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Lessons from the covalent capture of small-molecule self-assemblies are applied to grow a generic cross-linked micromolecular micelle based drug delivery system(CMM-DDS),which represents significant advantages over the popular polymeric micelle based drug delivery system on drug loading,stability,evaluated biosafety and cost of preparation.
为了全面应对环保部颁布的《2018 年重点地区环境空气挥发性有机物监测方案》,采用岛津公司GCMSQP2020(配FID 检测器)建立了离线监测环境空气中117 种VOCs 污染物的方法。
本研究开发搭建了一种将大体积进样(LVI),双固相萃取技术(dual-SPE)与超高效液相色谱-串联质谱(UHPLC-MS/MS)相结合的自动化在线系统。新的在线方法允许大体积进样,交叉平行利用两个SPE 柱,同时进行SPE 解吸和色谱洗脱,实现了快速和高通量的痕量分析。
In this study,a rapid,sensitive and selective method using liquid-liquid micro-extraction(LLME)and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS)has been developed for simultaneous determina
Background Keto-enol tautomerism,which refers to the interconversion equilibrium between keto form and enol form,has drawn considerable interest due to its crucial role in both organic reaction and bi
十四元瓜环[1]具有可变的柔性结构,且具有三个空腔(两个侧空腔以及一个中心空腔),因此于其他瓜环相比形成了特殊的瓜环主客体化学[2-3].DASPMI(2-[4-(二甲氨基)苯乙烯基]-1-甲基吡啶碘) 是一种苯乙烯基染料,其本身有弱的荧光性质,当加入Q[14]后,荧光强度明显增强,且溶液颜色有着明显的变化.
Tetraphenylethene(TPE) with aggregation-induced emission(AIE)behavior as a popular backbone is applied widely in the construction of functional supramolecular system.
Rotaxanes are one of the most important classes ofmechanically interlocked moleculesand functional [n]rotaxanes possessing a fluorophore have attracted considerable attention.