【摘 要】
Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinases(MAPKKKs)as the important components of MAPK cascades,play the crucial role in plant growth and development as well as stresses response.Although this fa
【出 处】
Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinases(MAPKKKs)as the important components of MAPK cascades,play the crucial role in plant growth and development as well as stresses response.Although this family has been systematically studies in many plant species,litter is known about MAPKKK genes in wheat(TriticumaestivumL.),especially those involved in the regulatory network of stress processes.
Thinopyrum intermedium(2n = 6x = 42,JJJSJSStSt),a wild perennial relative of wheat,has been suggested as a potential source of good genes for wheat improvement.In this study,three addition lines,W210,
基因印迹是父母本基因表达比例不平衡的一种表现,在正反杂交F1 代中,来源于父本或母本的等位基因被特异沉默的一种现象,主要发生在被子植物的胚乳中且具有时空表达特异性。为了鉴定不同倍性小麦胚乳印迹基因,我们利用高通量测序技术对二倍体(Y199 和RM220)、四倍体(SCAUP 和津硬8 号)和六倍体(豆麦和科遗5214)开花后15 天,20 天和25 天的自交和正反杂交胚乳进行了转录组分析。
MicroRNAs(miRNAs)are important regulatory factors during plant spike development.In wheat,the repertoire of miRNAs is only partially known and their functions remain largely unclear due to its complex
Wheat is one of the most widely grown food grain crops in the world.The construction of a high-density genetic map is a key step to organize biologically or agronomically important traits along the ch
由布氏白粉菌(Blumeriagraminisf.sp.tritici)引起的白粉病是小麦的主要病害之一,抗病品种的培育和推广是防治该病害最为经济有效的措施.野生资源是小麦的宝贵基因库,也是抗白粉病种质的重要来源.来源于野生二粒小麦TA1410的显性抗白粉病基因HSM1 位于染色体7AL上Xmag5825.1-Xmag6388.1 约0.6cM的区间内,该基因提供依赖于生育期的白粉病抗性.
在传统育种方式的基础上,小麦抗病的分子机制的研究,将会为优质抗病小麦的育种筛选出大量的抗病基因。本研究以感病小麦京411、抗病小麦Brock及以它们配制的抗白粉病近等基因系Brock×京4117(NILs)为实验材料,应用cDNA-AFLP对白粉菌侵染前后的小麦进行差异表达基因的筛选,共获得在感/抗性材料中存在表达差异的基因片段21 个。
穗部性状是影响小麦产量的重要因素之一,其突变体是研究小麦花器官发育分子机理的理想材料。本课题组前期获得了一个来源于周麦18 的矮化、多雌蕊、雄性不育突变体dms(dwarf,multi-pistil and male sterile;dms),其后代可分为3种表型高株(tall plant,T)、中株(semi-draft plant,M)和矮株(draft plant,D)。模式植物中的研究表明
种子休眠是穗发芽抗性的主要遗传因素,受复杂的多基因网络调控。本研究以休眠水平较高的白皮地方品种"永川白壳壳麦"及"涪陵须须麦"为供试材料,对其休眠种子(D)和后熟种子(AR)进行8h 吸胀处理,通过转录组测序分析其休眠与后熟处理(D_vs_AR)的差异表达基因及其调控网络。
Microsatellites are an important constituent of plant genome and distributed across entire genome.In this study,genome-wide analysis of microsatellites in 8Triticeae species and 9 model plants reveale