This paper seeks to practically address sustainable development and climate change issues.Climate change is the ultimate risk multiplier, worsening other development problems.Its worst impacts fall on the poor who are least responsible for the problem.The world currently faces multiple economic, social, and environmental threats.The economic collapse is the most urgent.The social crisis arises from global poverty, and inequity and inappropriate governance.Finally, mankind has caused severe environmental damage, including climate change.Present trends will destabilize global society.The most effective approach is to integrate climate change policies into national sustainable development strategy, using the sustainomics framework.First, is the practical, step-by-step approach of "making development more sustainable" (MDMS).Second, we need a balanced and integrated analysis from three main perspectives: social, economic and environmental.Third, the analysis must transcend conventional boundaries imposed by values, discipline, space, time, stakeholder viewpoints, and operationality.The practical tools of sustainomics are applied globally to reconcile climate risk management and development aspirations.National level case studies show how to integrate adaptation and mitigation policies into sustainable development strategy.Specific examples include macroeconomic policy adjustment, sustainable pricing policies, climate impacts on food security, agriculture and water, and renewable energy projects.Although the issues are complex and serious, both climate change and sustainable development problems could be solved together, provided we begin immediately.