Broilers with Vitamin Additive Diet Harbor Higher Diversity and Density of Cecal Bacteria than Those

来源 :中国畜牧兽医学会动物营养学分会第十一次全国动物营养学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cseivy
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  (Purpose) To investigate the effect of vitamin deficiency on the cecal bacterial communities, (Methods & Results) two bacterial 16S rRNA gene clone libraries were constructed from pooled PCR products obtained from the cecal digesta of broilers avoided dietary vitamin additive (NV) and broilers with NRC level dietary vitamin additive (V).Sequence analysis revealed 188 and 185 clones for the two libraries, respectively.The 188 clones of NV library were assigned to 14 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) with 33% clones affiliated with genus Clostridium, 19% genus Escherichia/Shigella and 14% genus Bacteroides.The 185 clones of V library were assigned to 23 OTUs with 46% clones affiliated with genus Clostridium and 11% with genus Faecalibacterium.Only 3OTUs assigned to Clostridium, Faecalibacterium and Ruminoccus, respectively, shared by the two libraries.Five bacterial genera (Escherichia/Shigella, Bacteroides, Subdoligranulum, Streptococcus and Parasporobacterium) were only found in the NV library, and eight genera (Anaerofilum, Lactobacillus, Anaerotruncus, Oscillibacter, Alistipes, Gracilibacter, Acetivibrio and Haloplasma) were only found in the V libarary.Shannon diversity index showed the V library exhibited significantly higher bacterial diversity (P =0.05) and Libshuff analysis indicated the differences in the community structure between the two libraries were significant (P <0.0001).Quantitative real-time PCR revealed that V broilers harbored significantly higher density of total bacteria, Lactobacillus and Clostridium leptum group and lower density of Enterobacteriaceae family and Veillonella spp.(P <0.01).(Conclusion) These differences illustrates that lack of dietary vitamin can increase the abundance of pathogenic or conditional pathogenic bacteria and reduce the diversity of bacteria in the cecum of broilers, which in turn impact the health and resistance of intestine.The results of current study provide new leads for further investigations on the interaction between dietary vitamin additive and gut health of host.
本试验旨在利用人工瘤胃体外产气法研究发酵木薯渣替代不同比例的象草对水牛体外瘤胃发酵特性的影响.本试验采用Mauricio等的压力读取式体外产气系统(reading pressure system,RPT)进行体外瘤胃发酵培养,按Theodorou等方法配制厌氧人工瘤胃缓冲液.发酵底物的精粗比设计为4∶6(DM),其中豆粕15%,玉米25%,象草60%,发酵木薯渣以0%,25%,50%,75%和10
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