A Study of Thermosphere and Mesosphere Wind observed by Fabry-Perot over middle China

来源 :2014年中国地球科学联合学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yjg020
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  A Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI) system was deployed in Kelan (111.6E,38.7N),center China in November 2011,which observed the airglows at wavelengths of 892.0 nm,557.7 nm and 630.0 nm from OH and OI emissions in the upper atmosphere,to derive the wind and temperature at heights around 87 km,97 km and 250 km,respectively.Since late 2011,except under bad weather conditions or instrument or electric power failure,over 500 nights are suitable to observe the nightglow,and a series of more than 4500 measurements at each height are validated according to manufacture data quality criteria.By using of these data from late 2011 to 2013,the morphology of wind in the mesosphere and thermosphere is investigated in this study.Preliminary results are as follow: (1) at heights of 87 km and 97 km,meridional and zonal winds derived through 892.0 nm and 557.7 nm airglows usually range from -50 m/s to 50 m/s with typical random errors about 6~10 m/s at 87 km and 2~3 m/s at 97 km,it suggests an obvious semi-diurnal nighttime variations from April to October but no visible semi-diurnal variation in the rest month.The monthly mean winds are in good agreement with that of HWM93 results (2) At height of 250 km,meridional and zonal winds derived through 630.0 nm nightglow range from 80 m/s to -110 m/s with typical random errors about 8~10 m/s,and they are also good consistent with HWM93 results.(3) At the heights of 87 km and 97 km,meridional winds have a visible annual variation at 12 - 17 UT and with a little semi-annual variation in the rest time,but the zonal winds have a semi-annual variation all the night time,as for the height of 250 km,seasonal dependence of the winds is generally annual,but there are isolated cases in which a semiannual variation is observed.(4) The horizontal winds at 250 km have an evident response to two the storms happened at July 2012,which seem to be an enhancement of velocity in the southwestward wind.But no obvious storm effects can be found during the same period.Since there is a lack of simultaneous measurements of winds in the mesosphere and thermosphere in China for many years,the FPI at Kelan must be very helpful to investigate the winds and dynamics in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere over China region.
脊髓灰质炎(以下简称脊灰)可用脊灰减毒活疫苗(OPV)有效地加以预防。目前,我国绝大多数脊灰病例是由脊灰病毒野毒株感染所致,而与服用 OPV 有关的疫苗相关病例文献报道不多.
安徽工学院幼儿园,自1987年6月以来,三年的全面体检中,儿童视力低下情况逐渐增长。为探究其原因,以便制定有效防治措施,现将1987至1989年调查情况分析如下: 1 对象与方法 5