Drug and Au nanoclusters dual loaded liposomes for tumor targeting release and photothermal therapy

来源 :第十一届全国化学生物学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bcde23141
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  In order to obtain multifunctional liposome nanocomposite materials[1] with targeted tumor and photothermal therapy,we combined the fluorescent gold nanocluster with the classical nanomaterial liposome by its unique physical and chemical properties such as long fluorescence life,strong photoluminescence,good biocompatibility and photostability.
An underside binding site was identified in the transmembrane domain of smoothened receptor(SMO)by a colocalization strategy.
Mucin(MUC1)is a glycoprotein that is expressed on the surface of most secretory epithelial cells to boycott toxic chemicals by forms a protective layer.
Currently,targeted therapy is becoming one of the most popular means for therapeutic in clinical studies.In particular,Aptamer-drug conjugate is an ideal pattern that utilizes aptamer to specifically
肾上皮细胞对尿微晶的粘附和内吞与肾结石形成密切相关,但细胞状态的变化对粘附和内吞的影响机制还不甚明了.本文采用草酸损伤构建了氧化损伤的近端肾小管上皮细胞模型,然后采用分子量分别为576.2kDa(PYP1),49.5 kDa(PYP2),12.6 kDa(PYP3)和 4.02 kDa(PYP4)的紫菜多糖(PYP)对其进行修复.
Macromolecular lattices consisting of intricate three-dimensional features hold enormous application potentials in numerous fields.
碳量子点自2004 年发现以来,[1]受到了广泛关注,其本身的低毒性、良好的生物相容性以及荧光性能使得碳量子点具备了取代传统半导体量子点的巨大潜能;同时其荧光寿命长[2]并易于表面功能化[3]的特性也使其在荧光方面更易于调谐,我们以来源广泛、利用率低下的生物质即橄榄叶为原材料,将硫脲作为掺杂剂,通过一步水热法制备了氮硫双掺杂碳量子点,实验表明,我们制备出了荧光性能稳定的氮硫双掺杂碳量子点,通过掺杂