【摘 要】
A rapid (less than 15 min), qualitative and semi-quantitative immunochromatography using colloidal gold-antibody probe was successfully developed and applied in determination of three kinds of organop
【机 构】
Key Laboratory of Monitoring and Management of Plant Diseases and Insects, Chinese Ministry of Agric
【出 处】
A rapid (less than 15 min), qualitative and semi-quantitative immunochromatography using colloidal gold-antibody probe was successfully developed and applied in determination of three kinds of organophosphorus pesticides (Fenitrothion, Parathion and Parathion-methyl) in water samples.The qualitative detection limit of the three kinds of pesticides was determined as 40, 20 and 20 ng ml-1 by using immunochromatography, respectively.In the semi-quantitative experiment, the detection results of chlorpyrifos-methyl were scanned by a membrane strip reader,and a detection curve representing the scanned data average was obtained.After conversion, it was observed that in the range of 10 ~ 2, 560 ng ml-1, the graph between logit (B/B0) and logarithm of concentration of the three pesticides were linear, from which, the regression equations (y=-1.7731x+3.299, R2=0.9972;y=-2.0286x+2.9948, R2=0.9785;y=-2.5134x+4.1917,R2=0.9738) were obtained.Meanwhile, the detection limits (I20) were calculated as 12, 13, 6 ng ml-1, respectively.In addition, other analog compounds were tested by using this assay and the results were regarded as negligible.The recoveries obtained by standard three pesticides addition to water samples were 74.56 % to 112.84 %, 81.84 % to 121.64 % and 77.16% to 132.48%,respectively.Overall, to our knowledge, this is the first report of qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of three kinds of pesticides by using one kind of immunochromatography.
低毒病毒是一类寄生在板栗疫病菌(Cryphonectria parasitica)上的正链RNA病毒.真菌病毒的内生性质,使得其具有成为研究病毒与宿主相互作用模型的优异特性.用紫外照射方法对低毒病毒cDNA的板栗疫病菌转基因菌株CN2进行诱变,获得了不支持病毒复制的突变株UV57.UV57不产分生孢子、致病能力显著降低.用二维凝胶电泳比较UV57与野生菌株EP155的总蛋白表达谱,表达差异2.5倍
比较了3种提取板栗疫病菌分泌蛋白质样品的方法,其中,改良Sevage法效果最好,双向电泳分离了250个蛋白质点,是硫酸铵沉淀法的3倍左右.用飞行质谱仪鉴定了190个蛋白质,分别属于133种蛋白质.使用ProtComp 8.0对鉴定出来的蛋白质进行分类,发现有84个蛋白质被预测为胞外分泌,其中有14个蛋白质在SignalP 3.0软件中显示带有N端信号肽序列.这些蛋白质包括细胞壁降解蛋白、应激蛋白及
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木霉菌在工业、农业、环境保护等领域有着广泛的应用价值,尤其在农业领域,国际上已有50余种木霉菌生物防治制剂或菌肥产品获得登记和商业化生产,在农业生产中发挥了重要作用.由于木霉菌分布广泛、应用领域多、经济价值高,因此不断挖掘新的木霉菌自然资源具有重要的意义.本研究从华东地区采集土壤样品300余份,利用稀释平板法分离木霉菌1026株.从形态学和ITS (internal transcribed spa
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