Outcome-Difference Oriented Analysis for Detecting Molecular Functions from Omics Data

来源 :第一届国际转化医学信息学会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tp137907226
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  Recently, we proposed a new approach for analyzing omics data [1].Our approach is conceptually distinctive from previous ones.In contrast to previous approaches where molecular data are unified by some mathematical ways to describe outcome data, from "bottom-up" view point, we adopt a "top-down" approach, by focusing on the outcome difference between samples, rather than those between molecular data.The application of our new approach to diabetes progression data revealed a set of molecular functions, all of which were related to the diseases initiated from diabetes [1].Deductively, this finding inspired us to propose a new concept on cell transformation;cells of one disease could transform cells of another disease, named "disease to disease cell transformation" [1].The performance of our approach were examined for protomics data from lung cancer cell lines to find cancer marker [2], and our new concept for cell transformation was embodied for transcriptome data from malignant prostate cancers to find a company drug [3].
面 试  1987年9月中旬,我辞去上海财贸干部管理学院的教职,只身一人到美国洛杉矶的加州大学攻读计算机专业硕士学位。刚下飞机的时候,口袋里只揣着当时外汇管制只允许兑换的47美元。  因为白天要上课,所以我必须尽快找到一份夜间上班又能提供食宿的工作。翻遍当地的华文报纸,总算在角落里发现一则招聘启事:好莱坞山华裔老人急征管家、夜间护理,提供食宿,月薪600美元。第二天一早,我便迫不及待地请朋友送我去
  Objective Involvement of gray matter in the pathology of subcortical stroke was already recognized in animal studies.But the detection of cortical gray matt
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