
来源 :第十四届全国工程电介质学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:muma123muma
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Moisture equilibrium curves are widely used to estimate the moisture content of insulation paper in field transformers. The thermal aging effects on moisture equilibrium curves of mineral oil-paper and a new aging-resistant mixed oil-paper insulation system were studied. The purpose was to assess the moisture content accurately, particularly in transformers used for long-term operations. Thermal aging experiment was conducted at 130℃ for 80 days, and moisture equilibrium curves at five different aging degrees and three different temperatures were constructed. Results showed that with deepened aging degree, moisture equilibrium curves shifted toward the abscissa axis of the rectangular plane coordinate system. The mass fraction of moisture content in oil and paper was calculated at each aging degree. Comparative results revealed that the moisture absorption capacity of insulation paper had an age-related decreasing tendency, whereas the moisture absorption capacity of insulating oil had an age-related increasing tendency. The moisture equilibrium curves of mixed oil-paper insulation system at 85℃ of 5 different aging degrees are shown in Figure 1.
美本教育是人类文化发展的一个重要部分。随着时代的发展,美术教育事业逐步从传统走向了现代。尤其是西方先进国家的工艺美术教育在近百年内发展非常迅速。 20世纪初,英国的威廉
风情──河南省2000年艺术摄影作品展撷英 Style ─ ─ Henan Province 2000 art photo exhibition pick Ying Ying