Epigenetic Control of Head and Neck Cancer Metastasis

来源 :11th Asian Congress on Oeal and Maxillofacial Surgery(第十一届亚洲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cenkk
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Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the oral cavity, head and neck is one of the most deadly and debilitating diseases worldwide with a 5-year survival rate of only ~50%.The poor prognosis of patients with SCC mainly is due to the high invasive growth potential of these tumors, resulting in regional lymph node metastasis1-3.However, the molecular and epigenetic mechanisms which control SCC metastasis are poorly understood.Using a functional siRNA screen,we identified that the histone demethylase KDM4A played a critical role in the invasive growth and metastasis of SCC mediated by the Oncogenic MET.Mechanistically, KDM4A promoted SCC metastasis by controlling AP1 activation.KDM4A facilitated JUN/AP1 binding to chromatin to induce the expression of FOSL1 and JUN by erasing H3K9me3 and H3K36me3 marks.An orthotopic mouse model revealed that the depletion of KDM4A significantly inhibited SCC lymph node metastasis.Moreover, immunostaining demonstrated that the levels of KDM4A were correlated with the expression of JUN and FOSL1 in human SCC tissues, and that KDM4A was highly expressed in human lymph node metastasis.Our studies provide novel insights into the epigenetic control of human SCC metastasis, and suggest that KDM4A is a key therapeutic target for inhibiting invasive SCC growth and preventing metastasis.
In the quickly evolving field of implant surgery, protocols for loading advocated in the earlier years continues to change.There is an abundance of case reports
近年来,随着人们饮食习惯的改变和生活水平的提高,胆结石的发生率明显上升,特别是经济发达地区尤为明显。胆结石指的是形成于胆道系统内的结石,胆道系统主要包括胆囊和胆管。胆结石形成以后会对其所在的胆道部位反复性地刺激,进而引发炎症和胆道梗阻的发生,致使患者出现腹痛、黄疸、发烧等临床症状,病情严重的患者甚至会出现感染性休克,极大地威胁着患者生命安全。  胆结石的病因是什么?  胆结石的病因复杂,受到多种因
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髋臼骨折应该是我们日常生活中比较常见的骨折类型了,髋臼骨折的出现会给患者带来十分严重的伤害,如果不能及时接受救治,就很有可能有瘫痪、跛行的危险!所以,在髋臼骨折发生的时候,我们一定得高度重视,尽快去医院进行正规治疗。那么髋臼骨折的患者可以采取保守治疗吗?  了解髋臼骨折相关知识  骨折在日常生活中十分常见,是指骨的连续性和完整性被破坏,大多是因为外伤受到暴力造成,也可因长期、反复磨损身体某一部位导