Industry Specialization,Analysts Following and Financing Constrains

来源 :第五届“管理学在中国”学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiyongde
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Based on the date of China’s A-Share listed corporations from 2007 to 2009,This paper examines the effect of auditor industry specialization and analysts following on financing constrains. The results are as follows:(1)as two types of information conduct mechanism,after controlling other variables,both auditor industry specialization and analysts following can relieve firms’ financing constrains;(2)compare to firms with more analysts following,the effect of auditor industry specialization on the mitigation of financing constrains is much more significant in firms with less analysts following. This indicates that developing securities analyst industry with great efforts and actively cultivating the industry specialization of auditors contribute to improving the transparency of capital market information,thus to promote the capital market’s development towards a more healthy way.
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险些“借”丢一桩好姻缘    著名相声演员李增瑞今年63岁,和妻子张婉茹已牵手度过33年的婚姻生活。当年张婉茹的表叔曾为二人牵线搭桥,张家人却因为李增瑞是说相声的,而使那次提亲无果而终。  6年后,已经28岁的张婉茹依旧小姑独处,这在当时已经是超大龄青年了。巧的是,李增瑞也没有找到合适的对象。表叔又来为两人提亲。这次,表叔的底气很足,理由是人家李增瑞不说相声了,已经改行创作了,张婉茹的父母也找不到
廖承志公离开我们已经27年了,他的音容笑貌依然时常浮现在眼前。  大革命时期,我的父母瞿秋白和杨之华就认识廖公的父母。  1978年,廖公住在北京医院,我去看他时,他问我母亲怎样?我说妈妈于1973年被四人帮迫害致死,廖公听后很难过。他对我说:独伊,你应早日给中央写信要求为你父亲平反。我说父亲是中共领导人应该由中央提,我作为女儿不好提平反的事。廖公说你不提,谁来提?正因为你是他的直系亲属就应该提。