Antimosquitocidal, Antimalarial and Antidengue activities of biologically synthesized silver nanopar

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  In the present study to investigate anti-mosquitocidal,anti-malarial,anti-dengue activity and carryout antioxidant properties of selected plant (Cassia occidentalis) which have been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of malaria and dengue.Mosquito vectors are solely responsible for transmitting diseases such as malaria,dengue,chikungunya,Japanese encephalitis,and lymphatic filariasis.Anopheles species are the most important species as they are capable vector for malaria parasites.Aedes aegypti,a vector of dengue that carries the arbovirus responsible for these viral diseases,is widely distrihuted in the tropical and subttopical zones.Chikungunya,a viral disease caused by both A.
Rodents are important host animals for many zoonoses that threaten public health worldwide.Gaining accurate taxonomic information on host animals is important for surveillance and epidemiological inve
目的 微小牛蜱是动物体表常见的一类体外寄生虫,可通过叮咬侵袭家畜和野生动物,有时也侵袭人,微小牛蜱给畜牧业造成严重经济损失,并且给人类健康和动物生产带来的威胁.随着人们对药物残留和环境污染等问题的关注,加之某些蜱耐药性虫株的产生,人们越来越重视对蜱的生物防治等绿色防控方法的研究.方法 本试验进行了13株白僵菌和7株绿僵菌对微小牛蜱饱血雌蜱的毒力测定,采用体外浸渍法将随机分组的微小牛蜱饱血雌蜱浸入不
目的 了解呼和浩特市德国小蠊对常用杀虫剂的抗性现状,为制定科学的防治措施提供依据.方法 采用WHO推荐的药膜法测定半数击倒时间(KT50).将德国小蠊分别放入用5种杀虫剂(敌敌畏、残杀威、高效氯氰菊酯、溴氰菊酯、氯氰菊酯)制作的广口药膜瓶中,观察击倒率,计算抗性倍数(RR50).结果 呼和浩特市德国小蠊对氯氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯、敌敌畏、残杀威和溴氰菊酯的抗性倍数分别为22.10、12.65、5.4
Acoustic larvicide(c) was discovered and patented by New Mountain Innovations.Larvicide occurs when sound energy of sufficient power is introduced into the water habitat of any species of mosquito lar
Since 2009,great public attention has been paid in Lhasa City (Tibet,China) to mosquito bites and accompanying inflammatory complications.However,the potential contribution of knowledge levels,experie
We develop a mathematical model of differential equations to explore the strategies for releasing Wolbachia infected mosquitos to replace the wild population.By analyzing the model,we obtain the minim
中华按蚊(Anopheles sinensis在东南亚是疟原虫(Plasmodium vivaxin)重要的传播媒介,并且是细胞遗传学研究的重要模型.为促进中华按蚊种群遗传学和基因组学等方面的相关研究,我们已制作完成该蚊种的高分辨率多线染色体图谱.随着中华按蚊部分基因组数据的近期发表,对该蚊种基因组作图则越发显出紧迫性和重要性.利用现有中华按蚊基因组数据库(https://www.vectorba
In order to evaluate a novel machine for barrier treatment,the study applied bifenthrin to a vegetated perimeter park-simulated area with known floodwater and woodland breeding populations of mosquito
目的 为研究亚洲璃眼蜱miR-451对其靶基因巨噬细胞游走因子表达水平的影响.方法 参考高通量测序获得的亚洲璃眼蜱miR-451序列,设计茎环及PCR引物,扩增获得该蜱种miR-451序列;并通过基因合成获得抑制miR-451的dsRNA序列,用于亚洲璃眼蜱饥饿成蜱体内注射.根据亚洲璃眼蜱MIF基因(暂未登录序列),设计特异性MIF基因的实时荧光定量引物,以β-actin基因作为内参,采用SYBR