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多普勒测风激光雷达能够实现高时空分辨率的大气风场测量,中国海洋大学成功研制了可以测量风廓线和三维大气风场的车载多普勒测风激光雷达,并已交付中国气象局使用。为了检验该激光雷达的测量性能,2011年春季开展了车载激光雷达与探空气球风廓线同步观测实验,获取了55组比对数据。介绍了此次同步观测实验,给出了激光雷达和探空气球风廓线数据的比对个例,并对所有比对数据进行了统计分析。同步比对结果显示,激光雷达与探空气球风廓线数据的风速均方根偏差为2.76 m/s。通过分析比对偏差,证明了激光雷达风廓线测量结果的准确性。 Doppler wind lidar can achieve high spatial and temporal resolution of the atmospheric wind field measurements, Ocean University of China successfully developed to measure the wind profile and three-dimensional atmospheric wind Doppler wind lidar and has delivered the China Meteorology Bureau use. In order to test the measurement performance of the Lidar, a synchronized observational experiment was performed in the spring of 2011 on the wind profile of the Lidar and the sounding balloon, and 55 sets of comparison data were obtained. The synchronous observation experiment is introduced. The comparison of wind profile data between laser radar and sounding balloon is given, and all the data of comparison are analyzed statistically. Synchronization results show that the RMS wind-speed deviation of the wind profile data of LIDAR and sounding balloon is 2.76 m / s. By analyzing the alignment deviation, the accuracy of Lidar wind profile measurement is proved.
<正> 建设规范化老年大学,是促进老年教育事业健康发展、提高老年大学办学水平的重要举措。要建成规范化老年大学,一般应具备四个基本条件:一是各项教育设施完善,有良好的办