基于改进粒子群算法的微带交指带通滤波器的优化设计,是依据滤波器的设计指标,求解归一化切比雪夫低通原型参数,并利用参数推导终端短路型交指带通滤波器,最终通过改进粒子群算法调用FDTD(时域有限差分)电磁仿真软件进行联合优化仿真。优化设计了一个阻抗带宽为5.725-5.825GHz,带外抑制在2.9GHz为40d B,带内插损小于3d B的微带交指带通滤波器。验证了改进粒子群算法与FDTD电磁仿真软件联合优化方法的有效型。该优化仿真作为一个良好的优化设计手段将广泛应用在众多微波设计领域,对寻求最优解有很大的帮助。
The optimized design of the microstrip interdigital band-pass filter based on the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is to solve the normalized Chebyshev low-pass prototype parameters according to the design criteria of the filter, and the parameters are used to derive the terminal short-circuit inter-finger bandpass filter Finally, the FDTD (Time Domain Finite Difference) electromagnetic simulation software is called to optimize the particle swarm optimization algorithm. A microstrip interdigital bandpass filter with an optimized bandwidth of 5.725-5.825GHz and an out-of-band rejection of 2.9dB at 40GHz is designed. The validity of the joint optimization method between the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm and FDTD electromagnetic simulation software is verified. As a good optimization design method, this optimization simulation will be widely used in many microwave design fields and is very helpful for finding the optimal solution.