Dosage of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccination affects mucus production in a murine model of asthma

来源 :2006年浙江省医学会呼吸系病年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qb54223322
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The prevalence of asthma in Western societies has risen steadily throughout this century,and in the last 20 years,the incidence of asthma has more than doubled. In part,this increased prevalence may be due to the steady decline of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and influenza in developed countries. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin(BCG)is a strong inducer of the Th1 type immune response. Several studies have demonstrated that BCG can inhibit airway eosinophilia,attenuate airway hyperresponsiveness,and decrease mucus hypersecretion in animal models of asthma Mucus overproduction is a characteristic feature of asthma that can result in asthma exacerbation and/or sudden death in certain patients. It has been reported that 23% of patients discharged from the intensive care unit following treatment for asthma die of recurrent asthma within 6 years and that mucus overproduction and mucus plugging is an underappreciated cause for their death. Kuyper et al. Measured the degree of airway narrowing and the luminal content of mucus and cells in lungs from 93 cases of fatal asthma and from lung segments from nonasthmatic subjects,they found that substantial airway plugging occurred in the vast majority of asthma cases. Studies in mice indicate that immune responses at birth are often biased toward the Th2 type responses and defective in the Th1 responses,the central defense mechanism against intracellular pathogens. Some studies observed that BCG vaccination induces a potent Th1 type immune response at birth in humans as well as in mice. Our previous study demonstrated that BCG can inhibit airway inflammation and decrease mucus hypersecretion and showed that BCG vaccination in early life could inhibit the development of airway inflammation and mucus production in a murine model of asthma. Recently,Power et al. Showed that vaccination with relatively low doses of BCG induced a Th1 response,while higher doses induced a mixed Th1/Th2 response. Thus,we sought to determine if low-dose-BCG vaccination was superior to that of high-dose BCG-vaccination on the development of airway mucus production in a mouse model of asthma.
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目的探讨三带喙库蚊春季首现日的一种温度评判方法.方法 1982~1992年和2001~2002年在上海市奉贤地区每年3月1日开始,每天在猪舍内挂诱蚊灯全夜(18时至次日6时为一灯夜)灯诱捕蚊,麻醉后对三带喙库蚊进行计数,取每灯夜平均蚊虫数为其密度.将三带喙库蚊春季首现日与首现日前7天、首现日当天和后1天计9天同期日平均气温作比较分析.结果采用首现日当天和前1天或首现日当天、前2天和后1天任意连续3
香菇是菌类家族中的佼佼者,消费量大,煎炒烹炸均可,是我们日常饮食中不可缺少的佳肴。而干香菇在营养价值、味道和口感上都比鲜香菇略胜一筹。 香菇产地范围很广,日本、中国