【摘 要】
目的 Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL), a heritable autosomal dominant disease characterized by neoplasia in multiple organ systems, has rarely been reported in Asia.We genetically investigated a unique C
【出 处】
目的 Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL), a heritable autosomal dominant disease characterized by neoplasia in multiple organ systems, has rarely been reported in Asia.We genetically investigated a unique Chinese family with VHL disease and performed an analysis of the VHL protein stability.方法 Genomic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) extracted from peripheral blood was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to three exons of the VHL gene in 9 members of the Chinese family with VHL disease.PCR products were directly sequenced.We estimated the effects of VHL gene mutation on the stability of pVHL,which is indicated by the free energy difference between the wild-type and the mutant protein (△ △G).结果 The Chinese family was classified as VHL type 1.Three family members, including two patients and a carrier, had a T to G heterozygotic missense mutation at nucleotide 515 of the VHL gene exon 1.This missense mutation resulted in the transition from leucine to arginine in amino acid 101 of the VHL protein.There was low stability of the VHL protein (the △ △ G was 12.71 kcal/mol) caused by this missense mutation.结论 We first reported a family with this VHL gene mutation in Asia.This missense mutation is predicted to significantly reduce the stability of the VHL protein and contribute to the development of the renal cell carcinoma (RGC) phenotype displayed by this family.The genetic characterization and protein stability analysis of families with VHL disease are important for early diagnosis and prevention of the disease being passed on to their offspring.
入选标准要求保留子宫且无生育要求术前半年内子宫内膜诊刮病理结果未见癌变或癌前病变子宫的宫腔深度≤12cm排除标准已妊娠或有生育要求的患者已证实或怀疑有子宫内膜癌或癌前病变者存在子宫薄弱的解剖,如古典剖腹产史或子宫肌瘤剔除史宫腔长度<4cm或>12cm宫腔宽度<2.5cm手术时患有活动期的生殖或泌尿系统感染前期研究内容研究类型:前瞻性研究. (ClinicalTrials.gov ID:NCT019
目的 有针对性的对医护人员HT认知及使用的相关问题进行调查,希望借此能够为更多的为绝经期妇女提供更好的帮助.方法 共有21家医院的3216名医护人员参与了HT认知调查.结果 共回收3216份问卷(应答率91.9%).部分医务人员知道HT可以缓解更年期症状(19.2%),但大多数人不了解HT优点及缺点,部分人知道HT认为HT可以导致乳腺癌和内膜癌,大多数人担心使用HT导致癌症的副作用,646人进入围
目的 先天性血小板无力症是一种少见的常染色体隐性遗传病,是由血小板膜GPⅡb-Ⅲa缺陷引起的与血小板聚合障碍有关的出血性疾病.月经过多是其常见症状,本文探讨左炔诺孕酮宫内缓释系统(曼月乐环Levonorgestrel intrauterine device,LNG-IUS,Mirena)对血小板无力症引起的月经过多的治疗.方法 对2例由血小板无力症引起的月经过多的患者进行分析,并复习国外相关文献.
目的 观察绝经激素治疗(MHT)改善低雌激素妇女心血管疾病高危因素及骨密度疗效情况.方法 选取2011年4月至2014年8月就诊于我院门诊的低雌激素妇女,分为-≤40岁组和>40岁组,比较MHT(周期序贯或连续联合)1年(两组分别为27例和41例)及2年(两组均为18例)心血管疾病高危因素(BMI、WHR、血压、TC、TG、白HDL、LDL和FPG)及总骨矿含量和总骨密度值(左髋与腰椎,双能X线骨
目的 了解医务人员对绝经综合征和绝经激素治疗的认知情况.方法 采用自行设计的调查问卷,对河南省部分医务人员的一般情况、绝经综合征及其治疗相关认知、MHT益处、不良反应和接受程度的认知现状进行调查.结果 发出问卷1255份,收回有效问卷961份.①绝经综合征的认知:近期症状中知晓"月经紊乱"、"血管舒缩症状"、"自主神经失调症状"、"精神神经症状"的分别占83.87% (806/961)、83.35
由于卵巢功能减退,雌激素分泌减少所致的一系列躯体及精神心理症状(如血管舒缩症状、泌尿生殖道症状、神经精神症状等)称为围绝经期综合征.围绝经期综合征引起的一系列症状严重困扰着妇女的身心健康、正常生活和工作.激素替代治疗(hormone replacement therapy,HRT)是维持围绝经期妇女健康全部策略中的重要组成部分.
目的 探讨精液中精子形态率及顶体酶活性与IVF受精失败的关系;方法 回顾性分析2014年在本中心行IVF新鲜周期的988个周期病人,根据精子形态分析结果,将正常精子形态百分率(x)分为5组,包括:1组:x≥4%,2组:x<1%,3组:1%≤x<2%,4组:2%≤x<3%,5组:3%≤x<4%.根据顶体酶活性分为正常组及异常组.结果 IVF受精失败组(受精率<30%)与正常组(受精率≥30%)比较,
Patients with extremely severe oligozoospermia (ESO)and cryptozoospermia (CO) are suitable using intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) as infertility treatment.However, some andrologists are confuse
目的 通过测定梗阻性无精子症、非梗阻性无精症以及少精子症与正常精液组中血清和精浆的性激素水平,分析比较血清和精浆中性激素水平与精液质量的关系.方法 检测150例不育男性血清和精浆的性激素水平,其中梗阻性无精子症(OA)组5例,非梗阻性无精症(NOA)组21例,少精症组26例,精液正常组98例.采用电化学发光免疫法测定血清和精浆性激素水平.结果 NOA组和少精子症组血清卵泡刺激素(FSH)、黄体生成
Objective: To compare the clinical results of the frozen-thawing blastoeyst transfer and the frozen-thawed embryo transfer following blastocyst culture, and explore available clinical applications of