Traditional metal cooling LED bulb lamp dissipates its heat through the metal heat sink.There are two defects,the bad thermal performance and the high price.Then the liquid cooling LED bulb lamp is proposed.But there is little research about its thermal performance and life time.The objective of this paper is to compare thermal performance and life time between liquid cooling LED bulb lamp and the traditional metal cooling lamp.The transient and steady temperature characteristics of these two lamps are simulated with finite element analysis software,the temperature variation curves and simulating steady temperature fields are acquired,and the life time is estimated over the life cycle expression.The result shows that the junction temperature of liquid cooling lamp is 40℃ lower and the theoretical life time is 6.28 times longer than the traditional LED lamp at 3 Watt.The rising rate of junction temperature of liquid cooling LED lamp is slower.The liquid cooling structure is more reasonable and the life is longer.