Genome-wide Screening of Genes that Regulate Pancreatic Cancer Metastasis

来源 :(BITs 3rd Annual World Cancer Congress-2010, Breast Cancer C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fhdfhdfrtr
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  Metastasis, the spread of tumor cells from a primary site and formation of a new colonization in distant organ site,remains one of the major challenges for effective cancer treatment.This is partially due to the lack of understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of metastasis.Recent advances in microarray analyses of metastatic tumors have unearthed several genes and genetic pathways that are associated with metastasis, but their critical roles in the pathogenesis of metastasis are still not well understood.To further validate these candidate metastatic genes and identify additional genes that play causative roles in metastasis, we have applied a genome-wide random mutagenesis strategy to screen for genes whose inactivation or activation/over-expression results in the gain of metastatic phenotype.
一台录音机能否持久地正常工作,不仅在于录音机本身性能的优良,而且与使用的盒式磁带质量密切相关。 Whether a recorder can last long and normal work depends not only
经历了千百万年的进化,人类终于结束了爬行时代,昂起头、挺起胸,站立起来并直立行走,这是作为高级动物的人类区别于其他动物的一个最显著的标志。站立,在某种意义上意味着高贵、尊严,是人类的一种基本的生存权利,人们站立着创造了文明主宰世界并推动着历史前进。如果让一个正常的人低下头、弓着腰、瘫痪在地,其痛苦是难以想象的。不幸的是,有一种病,使站立起来的人重新倒下去,这就是脊椎病。  脊椎,即脊柱,俗称脊梁骨
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