Supervision about Abnormal Capital Flow of Listed Companies

来源 :第八届中国智能计算大会暨国际电子商务联合会中国分会第三届年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiming5968f
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  As a result of Chinese special system, the ownership structure of listed companies and corporate governance structure have many unreasonable places.Just as the shares in large shareholders company is higher, some even more than 50%, through a series of means, such as investing for other enter prises, these major shareholders of listed companies may use their own absolute control to embezzle or occupy the funds of listed company, "empty" the listed company.However, in this situation, on the supervision of listed companies is relatively lagging behind.The result is that the regulator always found the abnormal status when the capital of listed company has been a huge hole which is already irreparable.Therefore, how to control shareholders or actual controllers misappropriate the funds, protect the in terests of listed company and medium and small in vestors has became a focus of all parties.In this pa per, based on the identification of key points, we put forward three criteria to identify the abnormal capital flow.By case study of the abnormal capital flow of listed company investment, the results shown that our approach is viable.
1997年底徐新昱被任命为淮阴市公交总公司总经理、党委书记。上任伊始,面对公司实际情况和竞争激烈的客运市场,她带领广大员工坚持“解放思想,善谋实干,开拓经营,加 By the
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前不久,有媒体报道了著名刑事辩护律师姜彩熠“让证据说话:又一被告人喜获自由”的成功案例。  刑事辩护中,律师调取证据是难点。带着这个问题,笔者于日前专程走访了辽宁江公律师事务所。  姜彩熠律师给笔者讲述了靠“证据说话”,为辽宁省铁岭市民营企业某盛隆公司成功辩护的案例。该企业被公诉机关以涉嫌生产销售伪劣产品罪和非法经营罪两个罪名起诉到法院。在该案辩护过程中,姜彩熠律师调取了十多份无罪证据,一审判决就