明代的密疏是一种有别于一般题、奏本的特殊上行官文书,有别只是体现在密疏的内容相对保密,上呈的渠道较为特殊,皇帝对密疏的处理方式既无须内阁的票拟,也不要司礼监代为批红,更不经过六科的发抄,但这种形式上的不同,只是体现为上奏内容的载体差异, 就密疏所奏报的内容性质来说,与正常章奏可能并无太大的差异。
The secret sparseness of the Ming Dynasty is a special type of official document which is different from the general ones and is a memoir of the book. The content of secret spheres is relatively confidential. The channel presented by the emperor is rather special. Of the votes, nor do the courtesy supervisors act as criticisms of reds, not even the passing of six subjects, but the difference in form is only a manifestation of the carrier differences in the contents of the enunciation, , And the normal chapter may not be much difference.