
来源 :江苏省遗传学会第八届会员代表大会暨学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lglglglglg18
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作为一种功能多样、认识不多的应激转录因子,p8核蛋白正受到越来越多的重视.本文报道了从毒腺中克隆的中国少棘蜈蚣应激转录因子p8 cDNA全长序列.
Rhizosphere microbial communities play key roles in the decomposition of organic matter,carbon sequestration and the promotion of plant growth.
测定了53 份糯玉米自交系和30 份单交种的籽粒淀粉粘度性状,并进行表型变异分析.使用91 对SSR 标记对上述材料进行基因组扫描,并分析了供试材料的遗传多样性信息.
本研究在获得转fad2基因ihpRNA的甘蓝型油菜的基础上,应用气相色谱技术分析了转基因株系W-4的T2 、T3代的脂肪酸组成.研究结果,由49个单株组成的T2代群体油酸(C18:1)含量变幅为55.87%~84.73%.
E-cadherin is a key cell adhesion molecule implicated as a tumor suppressor,which is frequently altered in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC),especially in hepatitis B virus (HBV) - related tumors.
Gastric cancer (GC) is one of the most important tumors and the death rate of it is ranked as the second one in the world.Inactivation of tumor suppressor genes (TSG) by DNA methylation and histone ac
Salicornia spp is one of the most salt-tolerant vascular plants native to salt marshes and estuaries,which produces specialty vegetable,seed oils,protein meal and forages on sea coasts.
目的报告1 例Angleman 综合症合并动脉导管未闭患儿的细胞分子诊断.方法用AffymetrixCytogenetics 2.7M 基因芯片,FISH,G-显带,Ag-NOR 染色等细胞遗传学技术,对1 例智力低下合并不语,兴奋,共济运动失调的女性患者进行基因组拷贝数和染色体核型的检测.
Diacylglycerol Acyltransferase (DGAT) plays a critical role in the synthesis of triacylglycerol.In this study,PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing methods were employed to screen the genetic variation of DGAT-