Contour Integration over Time: Psychophysical and fMRI Evidence

来源 :2016第七届国际神经科技大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tananhua251
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  The brain is able to integrate discrete but aligned contour firagments in cluttered scenes to give rise to global contour perception.Most contour integration theories assume that V1 neurons with similar orientation preferences integrate contour elements through long-range horizontal connections.
Antiepileptic Drug discovery has resulted from serendipity especially in early years.This was followed by systematic screening of chemical compounds in animal models.
Integrating diverse neuroscientific data is critical to understanding the complex details of neural structure and brain function,in order to ultimately link pathological symptoms to the underlying cau
We arc in an exciting time for innovation in the neurosciences,with increasing attention and opportunity in the public,private and academic sectors.
The Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) affects approximately 2.7% of the population in a way serious enough to require medical attention.
Over the past few years there is increasing interest in neural biomarkers and the understanding of the functional connectivity and dynamics across local and large-scale brain networks.
We have previously shown that activation or potentiation of mGlu2 receptors can modulate sensory-evoked GABAergic inhibitory processes in the ventrobasal thalamus.
Signaling through secretion of small molecules is a hallmark of both nervous and immune systems.The scope and influence of the intense message exchange between these two complex systems are only now b
By using approaches that include genetic functional deletions and constant manipulations ofastrocytes,emerging evidence shows that hypothalamic astrocytes counter regulate energy surfeit.
The effects of 90 days of restraint motor activity on the structure and ultra structure of limbic,extrapyramidal and neocortical regions of rat brain were studied.