The applications of laser cladding in metallurgy industry

来源 :第五届宝钢学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuyadong119
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  Laser cladding is an advanced material processing technology with many advantages compared to alternative processes like overlay welding and thermal spraying and has potential to deposit various materials locally on highly non-planar and complex surfaces.It can be used to refurbish or improve corrosion,wear and other surface related properties of components.With a brief review of laser cladding,an introduction to case research in details was provided in which laser cladding of powders has been carried out on the surface of rolls and crystallizers and a number of experiments are carried out by changing the CO2 and Nd : YAG laser power,scanning speeds while keeping a constant Ni-based and High speed steel alloy powder feed rate,overlapping rate to produce different sizes of clad to improve the widely application of laser cladding in metallurgy industry.The microstructure of the laser cladding samples was investigated using optical and scanning electron microscopes,and x-ray analysis in order to determine the quality of the clad.The mechanical property ( micro- hardness and wear resistance) of the fabricated product has been evaluated using a micro-hardness and friction testing machine and correlated with the process parameters.The results show that a good metallurgically bonded clad of increased hardness and wear resistance is achieved.Extremely good clad layers were produced which were free from porosity and crack and well bonded to the substrate material.The superior micro-hardness and wear resistance value is attributed to grain refinement associated with laser melting and rapid solidification.The overall conclusions of this work were that laser cladding is an extremely effective process to modify the surface properties of equipment parts used in metallurgy industry.
“我的书可以不读,但妈妈的病一定要治!”在张顺的坚持下,母亲最终留了下来,并开始在医院进行化疗,但母亲要求医生用最便宜的药。  羊羔跪乳,乌鸦反哺。复旦学子张顺的母亲不幸患了癌症。为了给母亲治病,张顺赶回贵州老家,执意把母亲接到上海,每天背着她去医院做放疔。  但高额的治疗费用成了拦在张顺一家人面前的大山,他甚至想休学打下,为母亲筹集医药费……    贫寒人家出人才    今年20岁的张顺出生在贵
徐特立的“政治寿”    1947年2月1日,是革命老人徐特立70大寿。当时,由于胡宗南进攻延安在即,中央机关大部分都已疏散,徐老也到了绥德。一天,一骑快马突然来到,请徐老回延安,中央要给他祝寿。他老人家立刻意识到此举的意义。他说:“这是政治寿!”便立即返回延安。中央领导同志均为徐老题词祝寿。毛主席的题词是:“坚强的战士”;刘少奇的题词是:“中国共产党的光荣”;周恩来的题词是:“人民之光,我党之荣
【摘 要】随着计算机技术的普及和多媒体技术的蓬勃发展,计算机多媒体的应用已深入到了教育领域的各个方面。本文介绍了计算机辅助教学多媒体系统的原理,通过一个CAI课件实例——基本放大器实验,详细分析了多媒体CAI系统在电子技术教学中的开发应用。多媒体与仿真技术的应用使得本系统与其他CAI 系统相比,功能更强大。  【关键词】多媒体;CAI;仿真;放大器  一、CAI简介  1、CAI的介绍  CAI是
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