
来源 :中国输血杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hakbin
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近年来,血液库存不足,临床用血紧张的情况在全国各大城市时有报道。采供血机构也承担着较大的社会舆论压力和工作压力,使尽浑身解数,多种渠道招募血源。但是,采血量的增加总是跟不上临床用血量的增加。为解决血源,满足临床用血的需要,我们于2011年6~11月对青岛地区部分自然村落的村民进行了献血知识的调查。目的是了解在农村开展无偿献血工作是否可行,需要做哪些工作,怎样进行招募才能达到预期的效果。 In recent years, the lack of blood stocks, clinical blood tension in major cities across the country have been reported. Blood collection and supply agencies also undertake a greater pressure of public opinion and work pressure, make every effort to solve the problem, a variety of channels to recruit blood. However, the increase in blood volume is always not keep up with the clinical use of blood increased. In order to solve the problem of blood supply and meet the need of clinical use of blood, we conducted a survey of donors’ blood donation to villagers in some natural villages in Qingdao from June to November in 2011. The purpose is to understand the feasibility of unpaid blood donations in rural areas, what needs to be done and how to recruit to achieve the desired results.
近年来,河南省平舆县信用联社普遍开展了贷款公示工作,收到良好效果,走出了一条盘活不良资产、密切社农关系、营造良好信用环境、提高经营效益的可喜之路。“有借有还, 再借
通过创新献血新理念,加大无偿献血的宣传力度;提高献血服务质量,利用网络资源,做好固定献血者的管理;建立固定献血者网络平台。通过这些方法推动无偿献血的可持续性发展。 B
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