【摘 要】
The installation of the 13m RAEGE antenna completed in September 2013.Inmediatly after we installed the local control system developed at Yebes Observatory and started making tests to debug the behavi
【出 处】
The International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (I
The installation of the 13m RAEGE antenna completed in September 2013.Inmediatly after we installed the local control system developed at Yebes Observatory and started making tests to debug the behaviour of all systems in the antenna and the Antenna Control Unit provided by MT-Mechatronics.
海洋包含了地球上水的97.1 %,而在广袤的海洋下面,海底下的水可能与海洋一样多,被称为海底下的海洋.一些学者指出,海底是漏的.然而我们对海底上、下水圈和岩石圈两者之间发生的相互关系与作用了解得太少了.如同海气界面,海底作为重要的圈层间(水圈与固体圈/岩石圈)的大间断面,必定是重要的界面.
The metabolic pathways and extent of microbial mediated biogeochemical cycling of important earth elements including carbon and nitrogen is poorly understood in deep sub-seafloor environments.Here,mic
Nitrogen is essential element for all the life and the availability of nitrogen limits biological production in much of the world ocean.In north basin of South China sea,a subtropical oligotrophic mar
氮、磷元素对于细菌代谢有机碳具有重要的影响.我们以好氧不产氧光合细菌(AAPB)的典型菌株Dinoroseobacter shibaeDFL12为研究对象,考察了铵盐与磷酸盐不同氮磷比及浓度对于DFL12菌株利用葡萄糖的影响.
Large amounts of methane hydrates have been reported in the Shenhu and Dongsha area of South China Sea (SCS).It has been shown that the methane of gas hydrates was mainly originated from microbial act
Nitrification,a greenhouse gas (N2O) producer and hypoxia contributor,has been widely concerned in coastal seas especially after the dramatic increase in anthropogenic nitrogen input since industriali
Studies of the fate of carbon in marginal seas are vitally important to understanding of the ocean carbon cycle.As a part of the CHOICE-C project,an integrated study of carbon dynamics in the marginal
An increase in nutrients in the continental shelf is always thought to be associated to coastal upwelling,but it may not necessarily be the case in the continental shelf near the Pearl River estuary.T
We examined the degree of silicate recycling in two contrasting environmental settings in the northern South China Sea,one in a coastal upwelling system and the other in the oligotrophic basin area at