Assessment of existing structures in France: Standard and dvanced practices

来源 :The 7th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safe | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lost123321
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  In recent years,the state of deterioration of the bridges stock has been such that the volume of necessary works has reached un-manageable proportions in many countries.As budgets for maintenance,repair and rehabilitation are always limited and demands are constantly increasing,to find an optimal balance between cost and safety is today a new trend in bridge maintenance.Optimizing bridge maintenance and management is a strong expectation for owners and stakeholders facing aging bridge stocks and increasing aggressive traffic.In this context,the assessment of the structural performance may be necessary for various reasons thorough its lifetime.However,there are no standards or regulations on structural assessment in France compared to some countries.The studies upon a new Eurocode for the "Evaluation and rehabilitation of existing structures" are just starting and it will not be available before several years.For this reason,the French Ministry of Transport has decided to develop recommendations for the assessment of the structural performance of existing bridges.The paper summarizes todays practice and details the research work engaged in the calibration of appropriate partial factors for existing structures when investigation results are available.
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她总是在夜雾中骑行。  远处浮动着的灯光在她看来,是一只只怪兽的眼。初夏,在见不到太阳的时候,还是有些冷。她小心谨慎地握着电瓶车的把手,手心湿漉漉的,裸露出的皮肤也是湿漉漉的。分不清是汗水还是雾。  钥匙插进锁孔里,放慢动作,“咔嗒”一声。门开后,她蹑手蹑脚地走进客厅。一只脚率先从运动鞋里解脱出来,探索着伸向前方,寻找那熟悉的、柔软的触感——毛绒拖鞋,却被什么阻碍了。衣架?没有这样宽,也没有这样的