TC-3000 Thermal Coefficient Tester, using the laser flash method to measure three thermal coefficients of solid samples - thermal diffusivity, specific heat and thermal conductivity. The instrument comes with a computer for data processing, drawing and tabulation. Therefore, compared with other instruments, with high speed, high accuracy and so on. With the help of this instrument, we have obtained a great deal of thermophysical data about metal and nonmetallic materials, which provide an important basis for measuring the suitability of materials for the thermal process. We also study the relationship between material specific heat and material structure, Reveals the intrinsic relationship between the specific heats of different materials with the evolution of temperature. Thus, for unknown phase transition temperature of the material, by measuring its specific heat value, and the computer to draw the relationship between specific heat - temperature, you can roughly determine the phase transition temperature of the material. This plays an important role in the research of new materials and also adds a new measure for determining the phase transition temperature.